首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Communication >Urban entrepreneurs, ICTs, and emerging theories: a new direction for development communication

Urban entrepreneurs, ICTs, and emerging theories: a new direction for development communication


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The case is presented for reorienting the current paradigm of development communication to place greater reliance on new theoretical perspectives about the network society and to bring those theories to bear on studies of information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially mobile phones, in the relatively under-examined research setting of urban entrepreneurial activity. Support for this argument is made by reviewing the current and near-future state of information and communication technologies and services, by examining the implications for development of increased urbanization in the global South, and by considering promising new scholarly theorizing relevant to ICTs for economic development. Research questions are offered regarding the use and impact of ICTs in urban micro- and small enterprises.
机译:提出该案例是为了重新定位当前的发展通信范式,以更加依赖于有关网络社会的新理论观点,并将这些理论用于信息通信技术(ICT)尤其是手机的研究中。审查了城市企业家活动的研究环境。通过审查信息通信技术和服务的当前和近乎将来的状态,研究全球南方城市化进程对发展的影响,并考虑有前途的有关信息通信技术促进经济发展的新理论,来支持这一论点。 。提供有关城市微型和小型企业中ICT的使用和影响的研究问题。



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