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Field Performance of a Zoned Forced-Air Cooling System in an Energy-Efficient Home


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The objective of the current investigation was to evaluate the field performance of a forced-air cooling system in an energy-efficient home. The test site was a three-story home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and field measurements were made during the cooling season. The forced-air system was zoned by floor and operated in both a zoned mode and in a non-zoned mode. The system performance was evaluated based on air temperature measurements and space conditioning energy use. The room air temperatures were compared to the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 55 (ASHRAE 2004b) for thermal comfort and recommendations of ACCA Manual D (ACCA 1995) for uniform temperatures between rooms. In non-zoned mode, the temperatures on the second and third floors exceeded the setpoint. Zoned operation improved the system temperature control performance, providing temperatures on the first and third floors that satisfied the ASHRAE and ACCA requirements. Temperature control for the second floor was not acceptable because of three problems: false thermostat temperatures due to air leakage, heat gain to uninsulated supply ducts in partially conditioned attic space, and solar load diversity. The zoning control increased the energy use per cooling degree-hour by approximately 6%; however, this was not considered to be a significant variation due to the limited evaluation period. One conclusion of the study is that heat gain to ducts in conditioned (or partially conditioned) space can significantly impact the delivered cooling capacity to rooms. A preliminary conclusion from the investigation is that a zoned forced-air system can provide acceptable temperature control during cooling operation in an energy-efficient home. Additional research is recommended to investigate the impact of correcting the problems associated with Zone 2 (thermostat temperature issue and ducts in the attic space).
机译:当前研究的目的是评估节能住宅中强制空气冷却系统的现场性能。测试地点是宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的三层楼房屋,在冷却季节进行了现场测量。强制空气系统按地板分区,并以分区模式和非分区模式运行。系统性能是根据空气温度测量值和空间调节能源消耗进行评估的。将房间的空气温度与ASHRAE标准55(ASHRAE 2004b)的热舒适性要求以及ACCA手册D(ACCA 1995)关于房间之间的均匀温度的建议进行了比较。在非分区模式下,第二层和第三层的温度超过了设定值。分区操作提高了系统温度控制性能,使第一层和第三层的温度满足ASHRAE和ACCA的要求。由于存在以下三个问题,因此无法接受对第二层的温度控制:由于漏气造成的错误恒温器温度,部分经过调节的阁楼空间中未绝缘的供应管道的热量获取以及太阳能负载的多样性。分区控制使每个冷却度小时的能耗提高了约6%;但是,由于评估期有限,因此未将其视为重大变化。该研究的结论之一是,经过调节(或部分调节)的空间中管道的热量获取会显着影响向房间输送的制冷量。调查的初步结论是,分区节能通风系统可以在节能住宅中的制冷操作期间提供可接受的温度控制。建议进行其他研究以调查纠正与区域2相关的问题(恒温器温度问题和阁楼空间中的管道)的影响。



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