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Selective Cerebro-Myocardial Perfusion in Complex Congenital Aortic Arch Pathology: A Novel Technique


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Simultaneous cerebro-myocardial perfusion has been described in neonatal and infant arch surgery, suggesting a reduction in cardiac morbidity. Here reported is a novel technique for selective cerebral perfusion combined with controlled and independent myocardial perfusion during surgery for complex or recurrent aortic arch lesions. From April 2008 to April 2011, 10 patients with arch pathology underwent surgery (two hypoplastic left heart syndrome [HLHS], four recurrent arch obstruction, two aortic arch hypoplasia?+?ventricular septal defect [VSD], one single ventricle?+?transposition of the great arteries?+?arch hypoplasia, one interrupted aortic arch type B?+?VSD). Median age was 63 days (6 days–36 years) and median weight 4.0?kg (1.6–52). Via midline sternotomy, an arterial cannula (6 or 8?Fr for infants) was directly inserted into the innominate artery or through a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft (for neonates <2.0?kg). A cardioplegia delivery system was inserted into the aortic root. Under moderate hypothermia, ascending and descending aorta were cross-clamped, and “beating heart and brain” aortic arch repair was performed. Arch repair was composed of patch augmentation in five, end-to-side anastomosis in three, and replacement in two patients. Average cardiopulmonary bypass time was 163?±?68?min (71–310). In two patients only (one HLHS, one complex single ventricle), a period of cardiac arrest was required to complete intracardiac repair. In such cases, antegrade blood cardioplegia was delivered directly via the same catheter used for selective myocardial perfusion. Average time of splanchnic ischemia during cerebro-myocardial perfusion was 39?±?18?min (17–69). Weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass was achieved without inotropic support in three and with low dose in seven patients. One patient required veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Four patients, body weight <3.0?kg, needed delayed sternal closure. No neurologic dysfunction was noted. Renal function proved satisfactory in all, while liver function was adequate in all but one. The present experience suggests that selective and independent cerebro-myocardial perfusion is feasible in patients with complex or recurrent aortic arch disease, starting from premature newborn less than 2.0?kg of body weight to adults. The technique is as safe as previously reported methods of cerebro-myocardial perfusion and possibly more versatile.
机译:在新生儿和婴儿足弓手术中已经描述了同时进行脑-心肌灌注,这提示心脏发病率降低了。这里报道了一种新的技术,用于在复杂或复发性主动脉弓病变的手术过程中选择性进行脑灌注结合受控和独立的心肌灌注。从2008年4月至2011年4月,接受手术的10例弓形病变患者(2例左心发育不全综合征[HLHS],4例复发性弓梗阻,2例主动脉弓发育不全+室间隔缺损[VSD],1例单心室++移位]的大动脉+弓足发育不全,其中之一是主动脉弓类型为B ++ VSD。中位年龄为63天(6天至36岁),中位体重为4.0?kg(1.6-52)。通过中线胸骨切开术,将动脉插管(婴儿为6或8?Fr)直接插入无名动脉或通过聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)移植物(对于<2.0?kg的新生儿)。将心脏停搏传递系统插入主动脉根。在中等低温下,将升主动脉和降主动脉交叉固定,并进行“搏动心脑”主动脉弓修复术。足弓修复由五个部位的增生修补术,三个部位的端侧吻合术和两个部位的置换术组成。平均体外循环时间为163?±?68?min(71-310)。仅在两名患者中(一名HLHS,一名复杂的单心室),需要一段心脏骤停才能完成心脏内修复。在这种情况下,顺行性心脏停搏是通过用于选择性心肌灌注的同一导管直接进行的。脑-心肌灌注期间内脏缺血的平均时间为39?±?18?min(17-69)。在三例患者中,在没有正性肌力支持的情况下实现了从心肺转机的断奶,而七例患者则采用了低剂量的方法。一名患者需要静脉-动脉体外膜氧合。体重<3.0?kg的四名患者需要延迟胸骨闭合术。没有发现神经功能障碍。事实证明,所有患者的肾功能均令人满意,而除一位以外,其他所有患者的肝功能均令人满意。目前的经验表明,对于患有复杂或复发性主动脉弓疾病的患者,从体重不足2.0?kg的早产儿开始,对成年人进行选择性和独立的脑-心肌灌注是可行的。该技术与先前报道的脑-心肌灌注方法一样安全,并且可能更通用。



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