首页> 外文期刊>Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis & Manufacturing >Functional reasoning theories: Problems and perspectives

Functional reasoning theories: Problems and perspectives


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Functional reasoning (FR) enables people to derive and explain function of artifacts in a goal-oriented manner. FR has been studied and employed in various disciplines, including philosophy, biology, sociology, and engineering design, and enhanced by the techniques borrowed from computer science and artificial intelligence. The outcome of FR research has been applied to engineering design, planning, explanation, and learning. A typical FR system in engineering design usually incorporates representational mechanisms of function concept together with description mechanisms of state, structure, or behavior, and explanations and reasoning mechanisms to derive and explain functions. As for representation, philosophers have long argued whether function of an artifact is a genuine property of it. As for explanation and reasoning, they have produced theories for functional ascription by an external viewer as part of an explanation. To build an FR-based system, the theory based on which the system is built and the underlying assumptions must be explicitly identified. This point is not always clear in the engineering of FR-based systems. Understanding the underlying assumptions, logical formulation, and limitations of FR theories will help developers assessing their systems correctly. The purpose of this paper is to review various FR theories and their underlying assumptions and limitations. This later serves as a benchmark for comparing various FR techniques.
机译:功能推理(FR)使人们能够以面向目标的方式导出和解释工件的功能。 FR已在包括哲学,生物学,社会学和工程设计在内的各个学科中得到研究和使用,并通过从计算机科学和人工智能中借用的技术加以增强。 FR研究的成果已应用于工程设计,计划,解释和学习。工程设计中的典型FR系统通常将功能概念的表示机制与状态,结构或行为的描述机制以及用于导出和解释功能的解释和推理机制结合在一起。至于表象,哲学家们长期以来一直在争辩人造物的功能是否是其真正的特性。至于解释和推理,作为解释的一部分,他们产生了由外部观看者进行功能归属的理论。要构建基于FR的系统,必须明确确定构建系统所基于的理论和基本假设。在基于FR的系统工程中,这一点并不总是很清楚。了解FR理论的基本假设,逻辑表述和局限性将有助于开发人员正确评估其系统。本文的目的是回顾各种FR理论及其潜在的假设和局限性。稍后将其用作比较各种FR技术的基准。



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