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The Completion of the Ordnance School Campus


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The Army Ordnance School marked the completion of the 2005 Base Closure and Realignment Commission projects at Fort Lee, Virginia, with the dedication of eight educational buildings and a dining facility on 15 September 2011. Each facility was named after a Soldier or Marine who made a significant contribution to the Ordnance Corps through innovation or leadership. Billingsley Hall is named for Brigadier General John D. Billingsley, who was a professor and head of the Department of Ordnance at the U.S. Military Academy from 1951 to 1968. Stever Hall is named after Staff Sergeant Robert A. Stever who was awarded the Silver Star posthumously in 2003 for his combat actions as a machinegun-ner on a convoy during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
机译:陆军军械学校标志着2005年在弗吉尼亚利堡的基地关闭和重整委员会项目的完成,并在2011年9月15日投入了8座教学楼和一个用餐设施。每个设施都以一名士兵或海军陆战队的名字命名。通过创新或领导力为军械库做出了重大贡献。 Billingsley Hall以约翰·D。Billingsley准将的名字命名,John D. Billingsley从1951年至1968年曾是美国军事学院的教授和军械部负责人。在2003年因“伊拉克自由行动”期间在机队中担任机枪手的战斗而死后。



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