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U.S. Conducts 'Salvo Engagement' GMD Test

机译:美国进行'Salvo Engagement'GMD测试

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U.S. missile interceptors successfully destroyed a mock intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on March 25 in the most realistic test so far of U.S. defenses against long-range missile attacks, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced. After launching a "threat representative" ICBM target from the Kwajalein Atoll, the agency dispatched two ground-based interceptors (GBIs) from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., to destroy the target. It was the first time such a salvo engagement had been tried, and MDA Director Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves called the test a "critical milestone." The two interceptors launched exoatmospheric kill vehicles (EKVs) to identify and destroy the mock warhead. The first EKV attacked the target. The second assessed the resulting debris field, determined that the initial target was no longer present, and then struck "the next 'most lethal object' it could identify," an MDA press release reported. The test was "the most complex, comprehensive, and operationally challenging test ever executed," Greaves said in April 3 congressional testimony. The test's success in assessing the debris field meant that "any concept of operations which seek[s] to confuse our missile defense system by launching junk or debris would not be successful. That's why it was a success," he added.
机译:美国导弹防御局(MDA)宣布,美国导弹拦截器已于3月25日成功销毁了模拟洲际弹道导弹(ICBM),这是迄今为止美国针对远程导弹攻击的最实际防御措施。在从夸贾林环礁发射了“威胁代表”洲际弹道导弹目标之后,该机构从加利福尼亚的范登堡空军基地派出了两个地面拦截器(GBI)来摧毁目标。这是第一次尝试进行齐射攻击,MDA主任萨缪尔·格雷夫斯中尉称该试验为“关键里程碑”。这两个拦截器发射了大气外杀伤车(EKV)以识别并摧毁模拟弹头。 。第一辆EKV袭击了目标。第二份报告评估了产生的碎片场,确定不再存在最初的目标,然后击中“它可以识别的下一个“最致命的物体”,” MDA新闻稿报道。格雷夫斯在4月3日的国会证词中说,该测试是“有史以来执行的最复杂,最全面,最具挑战性的测试。”这项测试在评估碎片领域的成功意味着“任何试图通过发射垃圾或碎片来混淆我们的导弹防御系统的作战概念都不会成功。这就是成功的原因,”他补充说。



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