
On the water


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Situated alongside a lake, this guesthouse was designed as a continuous spiral space flowing from the approach to the bedrooms. Each step taken deeper inside the building reveals a changing lakefront view. The various lakeside environments, including the sound of ripples, Jight reflecting from the water surface, the humidity and thermal radiation, are also carried on into the spiral, but in a non-uniform distribution due to changes in physical distance from the water surface. Since the whole structure is an interconnected space with different elevations, there is no homogeneous environment―various areas present various thermal environments such as the fireplace warmth and the dryness of the air. Guests wander around in this atmosphere, discovering and enjoying spots they find comfortable. Located in a natural environment that requires a bit of heating in the building even during the summer nights, one may find joy in the warmth near the fireplace, while another may relish the area's tranquility and coid characteristic. The building is dosed during the harsh winter season to prevenl any wasteful investment of energy. This is the kind of hospitality this guesthouse promises to deliver.%アプローチから寝床に至るまでをスパイラルの一続きの空間にして,湖 畔に据えた。スパイラルにすることで,歩みを進めるたびに水辺へと至る 視線が刻々と変わり,楽しむことが出来る。同時に,水面との物理的な距 離も変化するので,さざ波の音や水面の照り返し,湿度や放射などなど, 水辺がもたらす様々な環境が,スパイラルの中にひとつながりでありながらまだらに分布することになる。全体が高低差をもったひとつながりの長 い空間となっているために,暖炉がもたらす熱や乾いた空気も,決して均 質な室内環境を生み出すことはなく,様々な溫熱環境が散らばるように遍 在するに違いない。こうして,多様な状況が幾重にも折り重なりつつ,全 てが連続しつつも不均質に散らばる空間が生まれる。



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