首页> 外文期刊>SA Fruit Journal >Water Footprint = Wine from WaterWater Footprint = Grapes and Wine from WaterWater Footprint = Water for Wine

Water Footprint = Wine from WaterWater Footprint = Grapes and Wine from WaterWater Footprint = Water for Wine

机译:水脚印=来自Waterwater足迹的葡萄酒=来自Waterwater Topprint的葡萄和酒=葡萄酒的水

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During the past season, with many people living in the Western Cape trying to survive with a mere 40 to 50 £ of water per person per day, many figures were quoted reminding us just how much water is commonly used in our daily living. For example, that about 19 £ of water is used for a 90-second shower and that one flush of your toilet will use 9 £. Many people were also surprised to realise just how much water they "consume" through eating their daily food. For example that it takes 132 £ of water to produce a single cup of coffee (125 m£), 196 £ for a large (60-gram) egg and 18 £ of water for a slice of bread of 30 grams. For supper, your 200 g steak will cost you 3083 £ of water and your small (125 m£) glass of wine 109 litres. But the question is: what do these values really mean and do they matter?
机译:在过去的季节,居住在西开普省的许多人每天试图以每天只有40到50英镑的水生存,引用了许多人物提醒我们只是在我们的日常生活中常用的水。 例如,大约19英镑的水用于90秒钟淋浴,厕所冲洗将使用9英镑。 许多人也很惊讶地实现他们通过吃日常食物的水“消耗”的水。 例如,需要132英镑的水来生产一杯咖啡(125米£),196英镑,为大(60克)鸡蛋,18英镑的水为30克的一片面包。 对于晚餐,您的200克牛排将花费3083英镑的水和您的小(125米£)杯酒109升。 但问题是:这些价值观真的是什么意思,他们重要吗?


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    《SA Fruit Journal》 |2019年第febaamara期|共2页
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  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 林业;
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