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Out of the Ordinary


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At age five Diane Cheatham already had it all worked out: Instead of pretending to be a doctor or a cop, she played developer, assigning subcontracting jobs to her pint-size colleagues as they dreamed up houses. The instinct lay dormant through her early career as a CPA but surfaced when she later started to work in a developer's office. Then, at 40, she struck out on her own building homes-all of them modernist. In 2005, with some 60 houses under her belt, Diane set about creating an entire neighborhood in Dallas, on an overgrown 14-acre property in the northeast part of the city. She and her husband, Chuck Cheatham, a financial executive, made a deal, mostly with each other. Diane would sell 50 lots carved from the site, which they called Urban Reserve, and contract the construction of residences. With the profits, the Cheathams would pay for their own house on the land.
机译:戴安娜·希特姆(Diane Cheatham)在五岁时就已经做好了一切:她不假装自己要当医生或警察,而是扮演开发商的角色,在梦pin以求的房屋中为那些身材矮小的同事分配分包工作。这种本能在她早期的注册会计师职业生涯中处于休眠状态,但后来在她开始在开发人员办公室工作时浮出水面。然后,在40岁时,她搬出了自己的房屋,所有房屋都是现代主义的。 2005年,黛安·戴安娜(Diane)拥有约60栋房屋,着手在达拉斯创建一个整个社区,位于达拉斯市区东北一处面积超过14英亩的土地上。她和她的丈夫,财务主管查克·希瑟姆(Chuck Cheatham)达成了交易,大部分是彼此之间达成的。黛安(Diane)将出售从该地块雕刻的50批土地,他们称之为Urban Reserve,并承包住房建设。有了这些利润,Cheathams会为他们在土地上的房子买单。



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