首页> 外文期刊>Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism >Repeated-sprint ability in professional and amateur soccer players

Repeated-sprint ability in professional and amateur soccer players


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Cette e ´tude analyse l’aptitude a ` re ´pe ´ter un sprint (RSA) et les ajustements physiologiques au cours d’un test dencourse intermittente de forte intensite ´ (HIT), au consommation d’oxygene maximale (VO2max)eta ` la cine ´tique du consom-nmation d’oxygene (VO2) chez des joueurs de soccer professionnel (N = 12) et amateur (N = 11) de niveau diffe ´rent. Onne ´value la relation entre ces variables et la performance au RSA. Le temps moyen consacre ´ au RSA (RSAmean) et la dimi-nnution de performance au RSA sont corre ´le ´s aux ajustements physiologiques au HIT ([La–], r = 0,66 et 0,77; [HCO3n–],nr = –0,71 et –0,75; [H+], r = 0,61 et 0,73; toutes a ` p < 0,05), au VO2max (r = –0,45 et –0,65, p < 0,05) et a ` la constantende temps (t) dans la cine ´tique du VO2 (r = 0,62 et 0,62, p < 0,05). Le VO2 max ne varie pas en fonction du niveau de jeun(58,5 ± 4,0 mLu0002kg–1u0002min–1 comparativement a ` 56,3 ± 4,5 mLu0002kg–1u0002min–1; p = 0,227). Cependant, les joueurs professionnelsnpre ´sentent une meilleure RSAmean (7,17 ± 0,09 s comparativement a ` 7,41 ± 0,19 s; p = 0,001), un plus faible taux sanguinnde lactate (5,7 ± 1,5 mmolu0002L–1 comparativement a ` 8,2 ± 2,2 mmolu0002L–1; p = 0,004), une plus faible concentration sanguinend’ions d’hydroge `ne (46,5 ± 5,3 mmolu0002L–1 comparativement a ` 52,2 ± 3,4 mmolu0002L–1; p = 0,007) et une plus forte concentra-ntion sanguine de bicarbonate (20,1 ± 2,1 mmolu0002L–1 comparativement a ` 17,7 ± 1,7 mmolu0002L–1; p = 0,006) apre `s le HIT et unnplus bref t en ce qui concerne la cine ´tique du VO2 (27,2 ± 3,5 s comparativement a ` 32,3 ± 6,0 s; p = 0,019). D’apre `s cesnobservations, les joueurs de soccer professionnel se de ´marquent des joueurs de soccer amateur en ce qui concerne la per-nformance au RSA, les ajustements physiologiques au HIT et la t. De plus, la performance au RSA est corre ´le ´eaunVO2max,a ` t et a ` des variables donne ´es dans le test de course intermittente de forte intensite ´.%This study investigated the repeated-sprint ability (RSA) physiological responses to a standardized, high-inten-nsity, intermittent running test (HIT), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), and oxygen uptake (VO2) kinetics in male soccernplayers (professional (N = 12) and amateur (N = 11)) of different playing standards. The relationships between each ofnthese factors and RSA performance were determined. Mean RSA time (RSAmean) and RSA decrement were related to thenphysiological responses to HIT (blood lactate concentration ([La–]), r = 0.66 and 0.77; blood bicarbonate concentrationn([HCO3n–]), r = –0.71 and –0.75; and blood hydrogen ion concentration ([H+]),r = 0.61 and 0.73; all p < 0.05), VO2maxn(r = –0.45 and –0.65, p < 0.05), and time constant (t)in VO2 kinetics (r = 0.62 and 0.62, p < 0.05). VO2max was not dif-nferent between playing standards (58.5 ± 4.0 vs. 56.3 ± 4.5 mLu0002kg–1u0002min–1; p = 0.227); however, the professional playersndemonstrated better RSAmean (7.17 ± 0.09 vs. 7.41 ± 0.19 s; p = 0.001), lower [La–] (5.7 ± 1.5 vs. 8.2 ± 2.2 mmolu0002L–1;np = 0.004), lower [H+] (46.5 ± 5.3 vs. 52.2 ± 3.4 mmolu0002L–1; p = 0.007), and higher [HCO3n–] (20.1 ± 2.1 vs. 17.7 ±n1.7 mmolu0002L–1; p = 0.006) after the HIT, and a shorter t in VO2 kinetics (27.2 ± 3.5 vs. 32.3 ± 6.0 s; p = 0.019). These re-nsults show that RSA performance, the physiological response to the HIT, and t differentiate between professional- and am-nateur-standard soccer players. Our results also show that RSA performance is related to VO2 max, t, and selectednphysiological responses to a standardized, high-intensity, intermittent exercise.
机译:这项研究分析了间歇性高强度流出测试(HIT)在最大耗氧量(VO2max)eta下重复冲刺(RSA)和生理调节的能力`不同水平的专业(N = 12)和业余(N = 11)足球运动员的耗氧动力学(VO2)。我们评估了这些变量与RSA性能之间的关系。专用于RSA的平均时间(RSAmean)和RSA性能的下降与对HIT的生理调节有关([La –],r = 0.66和0.77; [HCO3n–] ,nr = –0.71和–0.75; [H +],r = 0.61和0.73;所有a p <0.05),最大VO2时(r = –0.45和–0, 65,p <0.05)和VO2动力学的时间常数(t)(r = 0.62和0.62,p <0.05)。最大VO2值不会因禁食水平而变化(58.5±4.0 mLu0002kg – 1u0002min – 1,而56.3±4.5 mLu0002kg – 1u0002min – 1; p = 0.227)。但是,专业赌徒的RSAmean较好(7.17±0.09 s比7.41±0.19 s; p = 0.001),乳酸血水平较低(5.7±1.5) mmolu0002L – 1,而8.2±2.2 mmolu0002L – 1; p = 0.004),血液中的氢离子浓度较低(46.5±5.3 mmolu0002L – 1,而52, 2±3.4 mmolu0002L – 1; p = 0.007)和更高的碳酸氢盐血浓度(20.1±2.1 mmolu0002L – 1,而17.7±1.7 mmolu0002L – 1; p = HIT后0.006)和VO2动力学的简要表述(27.2±3.5 s相比32.3±6.0 s; p = 0.019)。根据这些观察,职业足球运动员在RSA的表现,HIT和t的生理调节方面与业余足球运动员有所不同。此外,RSA的表现与最大摄氧量,高强度间歇跑步测试中给出的变量以及最大摄氧量相关。%本研究调查了重复冲刺能力(RSA)的生理反应达到标准的高强度间歇性跑步测试(HIT),男性足球运动员(专业(N = 12)和业余(N = 11))的最大摄氧量(VO2max)和摄氧量(VO2)动力学不同的演奏标准。确定了每个因素与RSA性能之间的关系。平均RSA时间(RSAmean)和RSA递减与当时对HIT的生理反应有关(血乳酸浓度([La –]),r = 0.66和0.77;血液碳酸氢盐浓度n([HCO3n –]]),r = –0.71和–0.75 ;血氢离子浓度([H +]),r = 0.61和0.73;所有p <0.05),VO2maxn(r = –0.45和–0.65,p <0.05),VO2动力学的时间常数(t)(r = 0.62和0.62,p <0.05)。最高VO2max在演奏标准之间没有区别(58.5±4.0 vs. 56.3±4.5 mLu0002kg – 1u0002min – 1; p = 0.227);但是,职业选手表现出更好的RSAmean(7.17±0.09 vs. 7.41±0.19 s; p = 0.001),较低的[La–](5.7±1.5 vs. 8.2±2.2 mmolu0002L – 1; np = 0.004),较低的[H +] (46.5±5.3 vs. 52.2±3.4 mmolu0002L – 1; p = 0.007)和更高的[HCO3n–](20.1±2.1 vs. 17.7±n1.7 mmolu0002L – 1; p = 0.006),且较短VO2动力学中的t(27.2±3.5 vs. 32.3±6.0 s; p = 0.019)。这些结果表明,RSA性能,对HIT的生理反应以及专业和非标准足球运动员之间的区别。我们的研究结果还表明,RSA性能与VO2 max,t和对标准化,高强度,间歇性锻炼的选择性生理反应有关。



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