首页> 外文期刊>Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing >Some comments on the determination and interpretation of barrier heights of metal-semiconductor contacts

Some comments on the determination and interpretation of barrier heights of metal-semiconductor contacts


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The intrinsic interface-induced gap states are the fundamental theoretical concept which explains the band-structure lineup at all semiconductor interfaces. However, a comparison of experimental results and theoretical predictions requires data of well-characterized interfaces. With respect to the experimental input, two aspects are of importance. First, the evaluation of the measured data has to be performed critically and very carefully and, second, extrinsic and intrinsic effects have to be recognized and then separated. Some examples are given. The interpretation of the experimental data may become misleading if a physical quantity such as the Fermi-level stabilization energy of heavily radiation-damaged semiconductors is considered which derives from the complex semiconductor band-structure as the branch-point of the interface-induced gap states.
机译:本征界面引起的间隙状态是基本的理论概念,它解释了所有半导体界面的能带结构。然而,实验结果和理论预测的比较需要特征明确的界面数据。关于实验输入,有两个方面很重要。首先,必须严格谨慎地对测量数据进行评估,其次,必须认识到外部影响和内在影响,然后将其分开。给出了一些例子。如果考虑物理量(例如受严重辐射损坏的半导体的费米能级稳定能),这可能会产生误导,该物理量源自复杂的半导体能带结构作为界面诱导的间隙态的分支点。 。



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