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Analytical study into El Greco's baptism of Christ: clues to the genius of his palette


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What the discerning gaze of the art historian has deduced from comparisons in style - namely, that the unsigned Baptism of Christ (dated 1567) comes from the hand of the master Cretan painter, El Greco - is now investigated by the dispassionate eye of technology. The examination by means of analytical methods of diagnosis aimed at making an in-depth investigation into the hitherto unknown personal traits of the artist's painting technique. By observing the cross-sections under the optical microscope and analyzing the materials through the application of μRaman and μFTIR spectroscopies and of high performance liquid chromatography (HPCL/DAD), it was possible to reveal the "fingerprints" of the artist's brushwork. In his masterfully executed Baptism, El Greco has succeeded through his perspicacity and ingenuity, to combine traditional techniques of Byzantine icon-painting with the innovative practices of Venetian Renaissance art. The artist's palette contains mineral, earth and natural organic pigments, as well as some synthetic ones of glass or resin base: lapis lazuli, indigo, lead-tin yellow, orpiment, yellow ochre, cochineal lake, copper resinate, burnt umber, lead white and carbon black. Furthermore, he introduces a layer of white imprimatura containing varied combinations of powdered glass and lead white. The detection of substantial similarities between the glass varieties used in the Baptism and those found in works by Venetian painters contemporary with El Greco (such as Tintoretto) further attests ascription of the Baptism to the period of the artist's brief sojourn in Venice.
机译:从艺术风格的比较中得出的艺术史家敏锐的目光-即,未经签名的基督洗礼(日期为1567年)来自克里特岛大师画家埃尔·格列柯(El Greco)的手。通过诊断的分析方法进行检查,旨在对艺术家的绘画技术迄今未知的个人特征进行深入研究。通过在光学显微镜下观察横截面,并通过应用拉曼光谱仪和FTIR光谱仪以及高效液相色谱法(HPCL / DAD)对材料进行分析,可以揭示画家笔触的“指纹”。埃尔·格列柯(El Greco)在他精湛的施洗中,凭借其敏锐的才智和成功,将拜占庭圣像绘画的传统技术与威尼斯文艺复兴时期艺术的创新实践相结合。艺术家的调色板包含矿物,土壤和天然有机颜料,以及一些合成的玻璃或树脂基底颜料:青金石,靛蓝,铅锡黄,雌黄,黄石,胭脂色湖,树脂酸铜,棕褐色,铅白和炭黑。此外,他介绍了一层白色的玻璃膜,其中包含粉末玻璃和铅白的各种组合。在洗礼中使用的玻璃品种与在与El Greco当代的威尼斯画家(例如Tintoretto)的作品中发现的玻璃之间基本相似的发现进一步证明了洗礼归因于画家短暂在威尼斯逗留的时期。



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