首页> 外文期刊>Applied numerical mathematics >Stability and convergence based on the finite difference method for the nonlinear fractional cable equation on non-uniform staggered grids

Stability and convergence based on the finite difference method for the nonlinear fractional cable equation on non-uniform staggered grids


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In this article, a block-centered finite difference method for the nonlinear fractional cable equation is introduced and analyzed. The unconditional stability and the global convergence of the scheme are proved rigorously. Some a priori estimates of discrete norms with optimal order of convergence O(Δt~α + h~2 + k~2) both for pressure and velocity are established on non-uniform rectangular grids, where α = min{1 + γ_1, 1 + γ_2}. Δt, h and k are the step sizes in time, space in x- and y-direction. Moreover, the applicability and accuracy of the scheme are demonstrated by numerical experiments to support our theoretical analysis.
机译:本文介绍并分析了非线性分数线方程的以块为中心的有限差分法。严格证明了该方案的无条件稳定性和全局收敛性。在非均匀矩形网格上建立了压力和速度均具有最优收敛阶O(Δt〜α+ h〜2 + k〜2)的离散范数的先验估计。其中α= min {1 +γ_1,1 +γ_2}。 Δt,h和k是时间步长,在x和y方向上的间隔。此外,通过数值实验证明了该方案的适用性和准确性,以支持我们的理论分析。



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