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Release Studies Of Different Nsaids Encapsulated In Mg, Al,fe-hydrotalcites


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Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) with Mg~(2+), Al~(3+), and Fe~(3+) in the layers (molar ratios Mg~(2+)/M~(3+)=2, Fe~(3+)/(Fe~(3+)+Al~(3+))= 0.1) and different non-steroid antiinflammatory drugs, NSAIDs (mefenamic and meclofenamic acids and naproxen) in the interlayer space have been prepared. Anion exchange and coprecipitation procedures have been used, and the solids obtained have been characterised using different physicochemical techniques. The drug content was between 25 and 45% (weight) and depended on the precise nature of the drug and on the preparation procedure. Studies in solution, carried out with samples prepared by anion exchange, have shown a slow dissolution of the drug when intercalated in the inorganic matrix, even slower than when Mg, Al matrices matrixes with the same structure (LDH) were used. Fitting of the experimental data to different kinetics models indicated that the most adequate one is that proposed by Weibull.
机译:层中具有Mg〜(2 +),Al〜(3+)和Fe〜(3+)的层状双氢氧化物(摩尔比Mg〜(2 +)/ M〜(3 +)= 2, Fe〜(3 +)/(Fe〜(3 +)+ Al〜(3 +))= 0.1)和不同的非甾体类抗炎药,NSAIDs(甲芬那酸和甲芬芬那酸和萘普生)已在层间空间制备。已经使用了阴离子交换和共沉淀程序,并且使用不同的物理化学技术对获得的固体进行了表征。药物含量在25%至45%(重量)之间,取决于药物的确切性质和制备程序。用阴离子交换制备的样品进行的溶液研究表明,当药物插入无机基质中时,药物的溶解较慢,甚至比使用具有相同结构(LDH)的Mg,Al基质时还要慢。实验数据与不同动力学模型的拟合表明,最合适的是魏布尔提出的模型。



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