首页> 外文期刊>Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology >Partitioning of Porcine Pancreatic Lipase in a Two-Phase Systems of Polyethylene Glycol/Potassium Phosphate Aqueous

Partitioning of Porcine Pancreatic Lipase in a Two-Phase Systems of Polyethylene Glycol/Potassium Phosphate Aqueous


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The hydrolysis of triglycerides at the oil–water interface, synthesis of esters and transesterification in microaqueous conditions are catalysed by lipase. For its application, a proper purification method was necessary. This study examined the application of an aqueous two-phase system to partition porcine pancreatic lipase. The influence of molecular weight and concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEG), tie line length (TLL), potassium phosphate concentration, sodium chloride (NaCl) addition and temperature in the partition was studied. The enzyme was more efficiently purified in PEG 8,000 at 14.5 °C (PF = 3.89-fold), presenting more recoveries at the top phase with shorter TLL and lower concentrations of PEG and potassium phosphate. Moreover, the increase of these variables repressed the purification and the further addition of NaCl did not promote the purification of the enzyme. These results demonstrated the efficiency of the aqueous two-phase system on lipase purification.
机译:脂肪酶催化甘油三酸酯在油水界面的水解,酯的合成和微水条件下的酯交换反应。对于其应用,必须使用适当的纯化方法。这项研究检查了水两相系统在猪胰脂肪酶分配中的应用。研究了隔板中聚乙二醇(PEG)的分子量和浓度,连接线长度(TLL),磷酸钾浓度,氯化钠(NaCl)添加和温度的影响。该酶可在14.5°C的PEG 8,000中更有效地纯化(PF = 3.89倍),在顶层具有更短的TLL和更低的PEG和磷酸钾浓度,从而在顶层具有更高的回收率。此外,这些变量的增加抑制了纯化,并且进一步添加NaCl没有促进酶的纯化。这些结果证明了含水两相系统对脂肪酶纯化的效率。



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