首页> 外文期刊>Applied Artificial Intelligence >Classification of Cabernet Sauvignon from Two Different Countries in South America by Chemical Compounds and Support Vector Machines

Classification of Cabernet Sauvignon from Two Different Countries in South America by Chemical Compounds and Support Vector Machines


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A simple approach is proposed for the classification of Cabernet Sauvignon wines from two different countries in South America (Brazil and Chile). The strategy combines the wines' functionality, designed as antioxidant activity (DPPH and ORAC), total polyphenols (TP), total anthocyanins (TA), and color, with a data mining technique known as support vector machines (SVM). The original dataset has 16 wine samples from Brazil and 113 from Chile. Algorithms were used to balance the dataset. Using resampling algorithms, we extended the Brazilian wines to 32 samples and reduced the Chilean wines to 32. With the proposed methodology, it was possible to classify the origin of the wine with an accuracy of 89% when using the 20 original elements. An accuracy of 83% was found using only 5 elements (L, DPPH, delph-3-acetylglu, peon-3-(coum)glu, and pet-3-acetylglu). Our methodology can be used for origin certification of other wines.
机译:提出了一种简单的方法来对来自南美两个不同国家(巴西和智利)的赤霞珠葡萄酒进行分类。该策略将葡萄酒的功能(被设计为抗氧化剂活性(DPPH和ORAC),总多酚(TP),总花青素(TA)和颜色)与称为支持向量机(SVM)的数据挖掘技术结合在一起。原始数据集包含来自巴西的16个葡萄酒样品和来自智利的113个葡萄酒样品。使用算法来平衡数据集。使用重采样算法,我们将巴西葡萄酒扩展到32个样本,将智利葡萄酒扩展到32个样本。通过提出的方法,使用20种原始元素,可以对葡萄酒的来源进行分类,准确度为89%。仅使用5种元素(L,DPPH,delph-3-acetylglu,peon-3-coum glu和pet-3-acetylglu)发现了83%的准确度。我们的方法可用于其他葡萄酒的原产地证明。



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