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Empathy at Knifepoint: The Dangers of Research and Lite Pedagogies for Social Justice Movements


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In this paper, I discuss the ways I have fallen short as a participatory geographer and activist both in my teaching and research practices. I use three critical moments in the development of our PAR collective in Colombia to push debates in geography on participatory research and pedagogy further through reflection on my struggles in the streets and in the university. Additionally, I connect these experiences and previous discussions in participatory geographies with Orlando Fals Borda's discussion of sentipensar (a concept that engages feeling and thinking simultaneously). I draw attention to the Latin American origins of PAR philosophy by placing Fals Borda into dialogue with the protagonists of our social movement in Colombia including human rights activists, homeless drug users and sex workers. In a general sense, this paper is an examination of the challenges I have faced in the contact zones of PAR inside and outside the classroom.
机译:在本文中,我将讨论在教学和研究实践中作为参与式地理学家和维权主义者所未能达到的目标。在哥伦比亚的PAR集体发展过程中,我利用了三个关键时刻,通过反思我在街头和大学中的奋斗,进一步推动了有关参与性研究和教学法的地理辩论。此外,我将这些经验和以前在参与性地理区域中的讨论与奥兰多·法尔斯·博达(Orlando Fals Borda)对“知觉”的讨论(一个同时涉及感觉和思考的概念)联系起来。我通过将Fals Borda与我们在哥伦比亚的社会运动的主角,包括人权活动家,无家可归的吸毒者和性工作者进行对话,来提请注意PAR哲学的拉丁美洲起源。从一般意义上讲,本文是对我在课堂内外的PAR接触区所面临的挑战的考察。



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