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Detection of O antigens in Escherichia coli


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Lipopolysaccharide on the surface of Escherichia coli constitutes the O antigens which are important virulence factors that are targets of both the innate and adaptive immune systems and play a major role in host–pathogen interactions. O antigens are responsible for antigenic specificity of the strain and determine the O serogroup. The designation of O serogroups is important for classifying E. coli strains, for epidemiological studies, in tracing the source of outbreaks of gastrointestinal or other illness, and for linking the source to the infection. For conventional serogroup identification, serotyping by agglutination reactions against antisera developed for each of the O serogroups has been used. In the last decade, many O-antigen gene clusters that encode for the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of the variable oligosaccharide region on the surface of the bacteria have been sequenced and characterized. Unique gene sequences within the O-antigen gene clusters have been targeted for identification and detection of many O groups using the polymerase chain reaction and microarrays. This review summarizes current knowledge on the DNA sequences of the O-antigen gene clusters, genetic-based methods for O-group determination and detection of pathogenic E. coli based on O-antigen and virulence gene detection, and provides perspectives on future developments in the field.
机译:大肠杆菌表面的脂多糖构成O抗原,O抗原是重要的毒力因子,既是先天免疫系统又是适应性免疫系统的靶标,并且在宿主与病原体的相互作用中起主要作用。 O抗原负责菌株的抗原特异性并确定O血清群。 O血清群的命名对于大肠杆菌菌株的分类,流行病学研究,胃肠道疾病或其他疾病暴发源的追踪以及感染源的关联非常重要。对于常规血清群鉴定,已使用针对每个O血清群开发的针对抗血清的凝集反应进行血清分型。在最近的十年中,已经对许多O抗原基因簇进行了编码和表征,这些O抗原基因簇编码负责细菌表面可变寡糖区域合成的酶。 O抗原基因簇中的独特基因序列已被定位为使用聚合酶链反应和微阵列鉴定和检测许多O基团的方法。这篇综述总结了有关O抗原基因簇的DNA序列的当前知识,基于O抗原和毒力基因检测的基于O族确定和检测致病性大肠杆菌的遗传方法,并提供了有关O抗原未来发展的观点。场。



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