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Activities Abound for Government Statisticians at JSM


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The 2008 JSM GSS program will be strong in Denver. We have 11 sessions: three invited, five topic-contributed, and three contributed. Also, Juanita Lott was instrumental in organizing a memorial session, "The Measure of Mollie Orshansky," in honor of Orshansky for her role in the development of the official poverty measure. The three GSS invited sessions touch on crucial issues to government statisticians. The first, "Survey Respondent Incentives: Research and Practice" organized by Brian Harris-Kojetin of the Office of Management and Budget, examines the use of incentives in survey research. The second, "Helping Data Users Better Understand the American Community Survey" organized by Susan Schechter of the U.S. Census Bureau, will cover issues concerning the American Community Survey just weeks before the bureau releases its first three-year data products. The final invited session, "Would the Real Data Please Stand Up: Data Comparisons for Policy Analysis," was organized by Joan Turek of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
机译:2008年JSM GSS计划在丹佛将表现出色。我们有11场会议:三场受邀,五场主题贡献和三场贡献。同样,胡安妮塔·洛特(Juanita Lott)参加了组织纪念会议“莫利·奥尚斯基(Mollie Orshansky)的措施”,以纪念奥尔尚斯基在官方贫困衡量标准制定中的作用。 GSS的三届受邀会议都向政府统计人员介绍了关键问题。管理和预算办公室的Brian Harris-Kojetin组织的第一个“调查受访者的激励措施:研究与实践”探讨了调查研究中激励措施的使用。由美国人口普查局的Susan Schechter组织的第二个“帮助数据用户更好地理解美国社区调查”将在美国社区调查局发布其第一个三年期数据产品几周之前,讨论与美国社区调查有关的问题。最后的受邀会议由美国卫生和公共服务部的Joan Turek组织,主题为“请站起来使用真实数据:数据比较以进行政策分析”。



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