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Rapid analysis of taurine in energy drinks using amino acid analyzer and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as basis for toxicological evaluation


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So-called energy drinks with very high amounts of taurine (up to 4000 mg/l are usually granted by certificates of exemption) are increasingly offered on the market. To control the currently valid maximum limits of taurine in energy drinks, a simple and rapid analytical method is required to use it routinely in food monitoring. In this article, we describe a fast and efficient analytical method (FTIR-spectroscopy) that is able to reliably characterize and quantify taurine in energy drinks. The determination of taurine in energy drinks by FTIR was compared with amino acid analyzer (ion chromatography with ninhydrin-postcolumn derivatization). During analysis of 80 energy drinks, a median concentration of 3180 mg/l was found in alcohol-free products, 314 mg/l in energy drinks with spirits, 151 mg/l in beer-containing drinks and 305 mg/l in beverages with wine. Risk analysis of these products is difficult due to the lack of valid toxicological information about taurine and its interferences with other ingredients of energy drinks (for example caffeine and alcohol). So far, the high taurine concentrations of energy drinks in comparison to the rest of the diet are scientifically doubtful, as the advertised physiological effects and the value of supplemented taurine are unproven.
机译:市场上越来越多地提供所谓的具有很高牛磺酸含量的能量饮料(通常通过豁免证书可以提供高达4000 mg / l的能量)。为了控制能量饮料中目前有效的牛磺酸最大限量,需要一种简单而快速的分析方法来将其常规用于食品监测。在本文中,我们描述了一种快速有效的分析方法(FTIR光谱法),该方法能够可靠地表征和定量能量饮料中的牛磺酸。 FTIR与氨基酸分析仪(用茚三酮-柱后衍生离子色谱法)比较了能量饮料中牛磺酸的含量。在分析80种能量饮料时,无酒精产品的中位数浓度为3180 mg / l,烈酒的能量饮料中值为314 mg / l,啤酒含量的饮料为151 mg / l,而酒精饮料的含量为305 mg / l。葡萄酒。由于缺乏有关牛磺酸的有效毒理学信息及其对能量饮料其他成分(例如咖啡因和酒精)的干扰,因此难以对这些产品进行风险分析。到目前为止,与其他饮食相比,高牛磺酸的能量饮料浓度在科学上是令人怀疑的,因为尚未证明其所宣传的生理作用和补充牛磺酸的价值。



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