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Ancient Earthquakes at Lake Lucerne


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On Tuesday the 18th of September, 1601, shortly before two o'clock in the morning, a strong and truly frightening earthquake hit the region around Lucerne.... Nobody could remember a similar event and even chronicles do not document that the city ever experienced a similar occurrence." So begins the eyewitness report of Renward Cysat, a city clerk in Lucerne, Switzer- land, who amply documented the catastrophic events that followed one of the strongest known earthquakes in central Europe. That temblor caused considerable damage over much of Switzerland and was felt in parts of France, Germany and Italy. Seismologists estimate that this quake, had it been recorded with modern instruments, would have ranked something like 6.2 on the Richter scale, which would put it on par with many damaging earthquakes that have struck near Los Angeles and San Francisco in recent times.
机译:1601年9月18日,星期二,凌晨两点之前,卢塞恩附近地区发生了一场强烈而真正令人恐惧的地震……。没人记得类似的事件,甚至编年史都没有记载这座城市曾经经历了类似的事件。”因此,瑞士卢塞恩的城市职员Renward Cysat的目击者报告开始了,他充分记录了中欧最强烈的地震之一发生后的灾难性事件。该地震在很大程度上造成了很大的破坏。地震学家估计,如果用现代仪器记录下来的地震,在里氏震级上的等级大约为6.2,这可以与许多破坏性地震相提并论。最近发生在洛杉矶和旧金山附近。



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