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Illinois Setting the Stage For New Albany Play


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Passage of SB 1715, the Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act, opens Illinois to the potential of developing the New Albany Shale, which underlies its southern counties. But more importantly, it protects Illinois' conventional producers from crushing regulatory and economic burdens, assesses Todd Shulman, president of the Illinois Oil & Gas Association. Speaking in advance of IOGA's annual convention and trade show, scheduled for March 6-7 at the Evansville, In., Convention Center, Shulman, vice president of Shulman Brothers Inc., in Vandalia, Il., says enough state legislators recognized the importance of shielding conventional operators so that SB 1715 acknowledges some key distinctions. Its rules will cover only high-volume fracturing (HVHF) activities on horizontal wells with laterals longer than 100 feet, or that use more than 80,000 gallons of fluid on each stage or 300,000 gallons total fluid. After the public comment period, the state is expected to issue those new rules this spring, he adds.
机译:通过了《水力压裂管理法》 SB 1715,使伊利诺伊州有可能开发南部省份的新奥尔巴尼页岩。但更重要的是,它可以保护伊利诺伊州的常规生产商免受繁重的监管和经济负担,伊利诺伊州石油和天然气协会会长托德·舒尔曼(Todd Shulman)估计。在定于3月6日至7日在印第安纳州埃文斯维尔会议中心举行的IOGA年度会议和贸易展览会之前,舒尔曼兄弟公司副总裁舒尔曼位于伊利诺伊州范达利,他说,足够的州立法者意识到了这一重要性屏蔽传统操作员的方法,以便SB 1715承认一些关键区别。它的规则将仅涵盖侧井长度超过100英尺的水平井的大体积压裂(HVHF)活动,或者在每个阶段使用超过80,000加仑的流体或300,000加仑的总流体。他补充说,在公众意见征询期过后,预计纽约州将在今年春季发布这些新规定。



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