首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Lung Cancer Among Chinese Nonsmoking Males: Might Adenocarcinoma Be the Culprit?

Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Lung Cancer Among Chinese Nonsmoking Males: Might Adenocarcinoma Be the Culprit?


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No studies have specifically reported the association of lung adenocarcinoma with environmental tobacconsmoke (ETS) exposure among nonsmoking males. The objective of this study was to examine the exposure-nresponse relation between ETS exposure and lung cancer among nonsmoking males. In particular, the asso-nciation with adenocarcinoma of the lung was studied. This is a population-based, case-referent study in HongnKong during 2004–2006. A total of 132 Chinese male nonsmokers with newly diagnosed primary lung cancernand 536 nonsmoking community referents were interviewed about ETS exposures from the household and/ornworkplace, including ever ETS exposure, sources of exposure, number of smoking cohabitants/coworkers, andnsmoker-years. Univariate logistic regression analyses showed a weak association between all lung cancersnand ever ETS exposure from the household and/or workplace (odds ratio (OR) ¼ 1.11, 95% confidence intervaln(CI): 0.74, 1.67), but an increased risk was restricted to adenocarcinoma (OR ¼ 1.68, 95% CI: 1.00, 2.38).nAfter adjustment for family cancer history and other confounders, excess risk (OR ¼ 1.62, 95% CI: 0.91, 2.88)nstill persisted for adenocarcinoma, although it was no longer statistically significant. Exposure-response rela-ntions for adenocarcinoma were found with increasing levels of all ETS indices when exposures from thenhousehold and workplaces were combined. The consistent exposure-response relations between ETS expo-nsures and adenocarcinoma suggested a probable causal link, which would have to be confirmed by futurenlarger studies.
机译:没有研究明确报告非吸烟男性中肺腺癌与环境烟草烟雾(ETS)暴露的相关性。这项研究的目的是研究非吸烟男性中ETS暴露与肺癌之间的暴露-应答关系。特别地,研究了与肺腺癌的关联。这是2004-2006年在香港进行的一项基于人群的病例参考研究。总共132名中国男性非吸烟者,新诊断出的原发性肺癌和536名非吸烟社区从业人员接受了有关家庭和工作场所ETS暴露的调查,包括以往的ETS暴露,暴露来源,吸烟的同居者/同事数量以及吸烟者年限。单因素Logistic回归分析显示所有肺癌与家庭和/或工作场所的ETS暴露之间均存在弱关联(优势比(OR)¼1.11,95%置信区间n(CI):0.74,1.67),但风险增加受到限制腺癌(OR¼1.68,95%CI:1.00,2.38)。在调整家族癌症史和其他混杂因素后,腺癌仍然存在超高风险(OR¼1.62,95%CI:0.91,2.88),尽管事实并非如此。在统计上更长。当合并家庭和工作场所的暴露后,发现腺癌的暴露-反应关系与所有ETS指数的水平都增加了。 ETS暴露与腺癌之间一致的暴露-反应关系表明了可能的因果关系,这在以后的更大研究中必须得到证实。



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