首页> 外文期刊>American journal of enology & viticulture >Identity and Parentage of Torrontes Cultivars in Argentina

Identity and Parentage of Torrontes Cultivars in Argentina


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Torrontes riojano is an aromatic white grape variety cultivated in Argentina that produces a dry wine with distinct muscat flavor. Two other Torrontes types, Torrontes sanjuanino and Torrontes mendocino, are of lower enological quality. Origin of the Torrontes cultivars has been the subject of speculation because efforts to relate them to European varieties have been unsuccessful. Microsatellite DNA polymorphism analysis was used to characterize these three cultivars and to attempt to clarify their origin. Moscatel amarillo, an Argentine cultivar with a phenotype very similar to that of Torrontes riojano, was also included in the study. Twenty microsatellite loci were analyzed in several accessions of each of the four cultivars. All four cultivars were found to be distinct. The results indicated, with a high degree of probability, that Torrontes riojano, Torrontes sanjuanino, and Moscatel amarillo are each the progeny of a cross between Muscat of Alexandria and Criolla chica and that Torrontes mendocino is also likely the progeny of Muscat of Alexandria, although the other parent has not been identified. A close relationship between the Torrontes and Muscat of Alexandria has been suspected, but the genetic contribution of Criolla chica was unexpected.
机译:Torrontes riojano是在阿根廷种植的一种芳香白葡萄品种,生产的葡萄酒具有独特的麝香葡萄风味。其他两种Torrontes类型的Torrontes sanjuanino和Torrontes mendocino具有较低的生态品质。 Torrontes品种的起源一直是推测的主题,因为将它们与欧洲品种联系起来的努力一直没有成功。微卫星DNA多态性分析用于表征这三个品种,并试图阐明其起源。该研究还包括阿根廷品种Moscatel amarillo,其表型与Torrontes riojano的表型非常相似。分析了四个品种中每个品种的二十个微卫星基因座。发现所有四个品种是不同的。结果表明,Torrontes riojano,Torrontes sanjuanino和Moscatel amarillo都是亚历山大马斯喀特和克里奥拉奇卡杂交的后代,尽管Torrontes mendocino也可能是亚历山大马斯喀特的后代另一个父级尚未确定。人们怀疑Torrontes和Alexandria的Muscat之间有密切的关系,但是Criolla chica的遗传贡献是出乎意料的。



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