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The Impact of Labor Strikes on Consumer Demand: An Application to Professional Sports


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The primary bargaining power of organized labor is its ability to withdraw labor from the firm in the form of a strike. From the workers' perspective, a strike is intended to impose substantial costs upon the firm. Over time, as these costs accumulate, the firm develops an appreciation of the solidarity of labor and may eventually surrender to the demands of the workers. Orley C. Ashenfelter and George E. Johnson (1969) note that the strike also serves the function of informing the workers to the reality of the firm's position. Although the union leadership may recognize early in negotiations that the firm cannot or will not meet the workers' demands, the rank and file of the union often do not understand the impracticality in their position until the workers have struck and the firm fails to surrender.
机译:有组织的劳动力的主要议价能力是它以罢工的形式从公司撤回劳动力的能力。从工人的角度来看,罢工意在给公司带来可观的成本。随着时间的推移,随着这些成本的累积,企业逐渐意识到劳动的团结,最终可能屈从于工人的要求。 Orley C. Ashenfelter和George E. Johnson(1969)指出,罢工还起到使工人了解公司职位现实的作用。尽管工会领导可能在谈判初期就认识到企业不能或不会满足工人的要求,但工会的级别和档案常常不理解其职位的不切实际性,直到工人罢工和企业不屈服为止。



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