
Growing Pains


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Each evening, after doing his exercises, Viktor Patsayev glided over to Oasis, a little square greenhouse attached to a wall of the Salyut 1 space station, to water the flax plants inside. A sad-faced man with a precise manner, Patsayev would push a handle to pump water from a reservoir into the layers of resin that held the seeds. After about a week, two little flax shoots poked up through the artificial soil. Patsayev and crewmate Vladislav Volkov carefully tended to the fragile seedlings like parents. The cosmonauts seemed to be cheered by them. "These are our pets," Patsayev said. "They are our love," noted Volkov unabashedly. Scientists at Energia, the agency responsible for the Soviet manned space program, had not designed the greenhouse to comfort the cosmonauts on the 1971 mission. Oasis and its flax plants were among the first experiments that looked toward the future―when colonies in orbit, or bases on the moon or Mars, would depend on space agriculture to help recycle oxygen and feed their crews. Until humans learned how to grow crops in microgravity, the cost of resupplying such outposts would be prohibitive, and lengthy missions away from Earth would be impossible. And like all facets of the space race, growing crops was something the Soviets wanted to do first.
机译:每天晚上,做完运动后,维克托·帕特谢耶夫(Viktor Patsayev)滑到绿洲(Oasis),这是一个与Salyut 1空间站的墙壁相连的小方形温室,用来浇灌里面的亚麻植物。帕特塞耶夫(Patsayev)表情严肃,表情悲伤,会推着把手将水从水箱中抽到盛有种子的树脂层中。大约一周后,在人造土壤上戳了两个亚麻小芽。 Patsayev和队友Vladislav Volkov像父母一样小心地抚育着脆弱的幼苗。宇航员似乎为他们感到高兴。帕特塞耶夫说:“这些是我们的宠物。”沃尔科夫毫不掩饰地说:“他们是我们的爱。”负责苏联载人航天计划的机构Energia的科学家并未设计温室来安慰1971年执行任务的宇航员。绿洲及其亚麻植物是展望未来的首批实验之一,当时轨道上的殖民地,月球或火星的基地将依靠太空农业来帮助回收氧气并养活其船员。在人类学会如何在微重力下种植农作物之前,重新提供这种前哨基地的成本将是高得让人望而却步,并且不可能进行远离地球的漫长任务。就像太空竞赛的所有方面一样,种植农作物是苏联人首先要做的事情。



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