首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Water Resources >X-ray imaging and analysis techniques for quantifying pore-scale structure and processes in subsurface porous medium systems

X-ray imaging and analysis techniques for quantifying pore-scale structure and processes in subsurface porous medium systems


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We report here on recent developments and advances in pore-scale X-ray tomographic imaging of subsurface porous media. Our particular focus is on immiscible multi-phase fluid flow, i.e., the displacement of one immiscible fluid by another inside a porous material, which is of central importance to many natural and engineered processes. Multiphase flow and displacement can pose a rather difficult problem, both because the underlying physics is complex, and also because standard laboratory investigation reveals little about the mechanisms that control micro-scale processes. X-ray microtomographic imaging is a non-destructive technique for quantifying these processes in three dimensions within individual pores, and as we report here, with rapidly increasing spatial and temporal resolution.
机译:我们在此报告地下多孔介质的孔尺度X射线断层成像的最新进展。我们特别关注的是不溶混的多相流体流动,即一种不溶混的流体在多孔材料内部被另一种不溶混的流体驱替,这对许多自然和工程过程至关重要。多相流和位移会带来一个相当棘手的问题,这不仅是因为其基础的物理学很复杂,而且因为标准的实验室研究很少揭示控制微尺度过程的机理。 X射线显微照相成像是一种非破坏性技术,用于量化各个孔内三维空间中的这些过程,正如我们在此报告的那样,其时空分辨率迅速提高。



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