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Solid State Fluorination on the Minute Scale: Synthesis of WO_(3-x)F_X with Photocatalytic Activity


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Solid state reactions are notoriously slow, because the rate-limiting step is diffusion of atoms or ions through reactant, intermediate, and product crystalline phases. This requires days or even weeks of high temperature treatment, consuming large amounts of energy. Metal oxides are particularly difficult to react, because they have high melting points. The study reports a high-speed solid state fluorination of WO3 with Teflon to the oxyfluorides WO(3-x)Fx on a minute (<10 min) scale by spark plasma sintering, a technique that is used typically for a high-speed consolidation of powders. Automated electron diffraction analysis reveals an orthorhombic ReO3-type structure of WO(3-x)Fx with F atom disorder as demonstrated by F-19 magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The potential of this new approach is demonstrated by the following results. i) Mixed- valent tungsten oxide fluorides WO(3-x)Fx with high F content (0 < x < 0.65) are obtained as metastable products in copious amounts within minutes. ii) The spark plasma sintering technique yields WO(3-x)Fx nanoparticles with high photocatalytic activity, whereas the corresponding bulk phases obtained by conventional solid-state (ampoule) reactions have no photocatalytic activity. iii) The catalytic activity is caused by the microstructure originating from the processing by spark plasma sintering.
机译:众所周知,固态反应很慢,因为限速步骤是原子或离子通过反应物,中间物和产物结晶相的扩散。这需要数天甚至数周的高温处理,消耗大量能量。金属氧化物特别难于反应,因为它们具有高熔点。该研究报告称,通过火花等离子体烧结,在三分钟内(<10分钟)将铁氟龙将WO3高速固态氟化成氟化氟化物WO(3-x)Fx,这是一种通常用于高速固结的技术粉末。自动电子衍射分析揭示了具有F原子紊乱的WO(3-x)Fx的正交晶体ReO3-型结构,如F-19幻角旋转核磁共振波谱所证实。以下结果证明了这种新方法的潜力。 i)在数分钟内以大量的亚稳产品形式获得了高F含量(0



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