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Fostering Community Through Digital Storytelling: A Guide For Academic Libraries


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Diaz and Fields achieve a tremendously helpful book detailing how to use tales in the world of academia using digitization. This book shows that using the ideas of storytelling using modern digital media can be a useful library marketing tool encouraging library usage.rnThis is a useful example of a cross-field collaboration. Anne M. Fields, Ohio State University English librarian, and Karen R. Diaz, Ohio State University librarian of instruction, attended a tales-by-digitization seminar at the Center for Digital Storytelling in Asheville, North Carolina. From that experience, they show how they were able to leverage their knowledge to improve their users knowledge of libraries. Using a range of various digital tools and software, computers, dvd burners, digital cameras, scanners, microphones, photo-editing software, and the like, they suggest some useful methods for creating attractive and interesting products. Presently, the Ohio State University Technology Enhanced Learning and Research Department has continuous seminars on instruction of tales by digitization.
机译:Diaz and Fields取得了一本非常有用的书,详细介绍了如何在学术界中使用数字化方法来使用故事。本书表明,利用现代数字媒体讲故事的想法可以成为鼓励图书馆使用的有用的图书馆营销工具。这是跨领域合作的有用示例。俄亥俄州立大学英语图书馆馆长Anne M. Fields和俄亥俄州立大学教学图书馆员Karen R. Diaz参加了在北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔的数字叙事中心举行的逐个数字化研讨会。从这些经验中,他们展示了他们如何利用自己的知识来提高用户的图书馆知识。他们使用一系列各种数字工具和软件,计算机,DVD刻录机,数码相机,扫描仪,麦克风,照片编辑软件等,提出了一些有用的方法来创建有吸引力的有趣产品。目前,俄亥俄州立大学技术增强学习与研究部门连续举办了有关数字化故事教学的研讨会。



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