首页> 外文期刊>ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems >EventAction: A Visual Analytics Approach to Explainable Recommendation for Event Sequences

EventAction: A Visual Analytics Approach to Explainable Recommendation for Event Sequences


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People use recommender systems to improve their decisions; for example, item recommender systems help them find films to watch or books to buy. Despite the ubiquity of item recommender systems, they can be improved by giving users greater transparency and control. This article develops and assesses interactive strategies for transparency and control, as applied to event sequence recommender systems, which provide guidance in critical life choices such as medical treatments, careers decisions, and educational course selections. This article's main contribution is the use of both record attributes and temporal event information as features to identify similar records and provide appropriate recommendations. While traditional item recommendations are based on choices by people with similar attributes, such as those who looked at this product or watched this movie, our event sequence recommendation approach allows users to select records that share similar attribute values and start with a similar event sequence. Then users see how different choices of actions and the orders and times between them might lead to users' desired outcomes. This paper applies a visual analytics approach to present and explain recommendations of event sequences. It presents a workflow for event sequence recommendation that is implemented in EventAction and reports on three case studies in two domains to illustrate the use of generating event sequence recommendations based on personal histories. It also offers design guidelines for the construction of user interfaces for event sequence recommendation and discusses ethical issues in dealing with personal histories. A demo video of EventAction is available at https://hcil.umd.edu/eventaction.
机译:人们使用推荐系统来提高他们的决定;例如,项目推荐系统帮助他们找到手表或书籍购买。尽管项目推荐系统的无处不在,但可以通过为用户提供更大的透明度和控制来改善它们。本文开发和评估透明度和控制的互动策略,适用于事件序列推荐系统,在临界生活选择中提供指导,如医疗治疗,职业决策和教育课程选择。本文的主要贡献是使用记录属性和时间事件信息作为特征,以识别类似的记录并提供适当的建议。虽然传统的项目建议是基于具有类似属性的人的选择,例如查看此产品的人或观看这部电影,但我们的事件序列推荐方法允许用户选择共享类似的属性值的记录并以类似的事件序列启动。然后,用户了解如何不同的行动选择以及它们之间的订单和时间可能导致用户所需的结果。本文适用于目前的视觉分析方法和解释事件序列的建议。它为事件序列推荐提供了一个工作流程,其在两个域中的三个案例研究中实现的事件序列推荐,以说明基于个人历史的生成事件序列建议的使用。它还提供了为事件序列推荐建设用户界面的设计准则,并讨论了处理个人历史的道德问题。 https://hcil.umd.edu/eventaction可以使用Demaction的演示视频。



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