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The perceptions of young rural drivers in NSW, Australia of speeding and associated risk: A mixed methods study


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The study, using mixed methodology, examined perceptions of risk associated with speeding in young rural people. Focus groups discussions (age range 16-24) in which speeding was identified as often being an involuntary driving behaviour, informed the development of a survey instrument. The survey was conducted with two groups of young people, one rural (n=217) and another semi-rural (n-235). The results from both the focus groups and surveys indicate that young rural drivers had specific attitudes to speeding, when compared with other risk factors for crashing. Speeding behaviour was viewed as both acceptable and inevitable. Males and those from a rural area viewed speeding, and reducing trip time when compared to that of a peer, to be less risky than did females and those who lived in a semi-rural area. Speeding was considered to be less risky than drink driving. These perceptions of speeding may contribute to the crash rates on rural roads involving young, local drivers and need to be considered in interventions or educational programmes which aim to reduce the rural road crash rate.
机译:该研究使用混合方法研究了农村年轻人超速行驶相关风险的感知。焦点小组的讨论(年龄在16-24岁之间)被认为是经常的非自愿驾驶行为,这为调查仪器的发展提供了依据。该调查是针对两组年轻人进行的,一组是农村(n = 217),另一组是半农村(n-235)。焦点小组和调查的结果均表明,与其他发生交通事故的危险因素相比,农村青年驾驶员对超速驾驶具有特定的态度。超速行为被认为是可以接受和不可避免的。与同龄人相比,男性和农村地区的人认为超速行驶和减少出行时间的风险要低于女性和半乡村地区的人。人们认为,超速驾驶比酒后驾驶的风险要小。这些对超速的看法可能会导致涉及年轻的本地驾驶员的农村公路事故率上升,因此需要在旨在降低农村公路事故率的干预措施或教育计划中加以考虑。



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