首页> 外文期刊>Abdominal Imaging >Preoperative assessment of intestinal endometriosis: a comparison of Transvaginal Sonography with Water-Contrast in the Rectum, Transrectal Sonography, and Barium Enema

Preoperative assessment of intestinal endometriosis: a comparison of Transvaginal Sonography with Water-Contrast in the Rectum, Transrectal Sonography, and Barium Enema


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To evaluate the accuracy of Transrectal Sonography (TRS) and a new technique, Transvaginal Sonography with Water-Contrast in the Rectum (RWC-TVS), in the diagnosis of rectosigmoid endometriosis, and the accuracy of Barium Enema (BE) and RWC-TVS in the detection of intestinal stenosis due to endometriosis. In a prospective study, we compared the findings of TRS and RWC-TVS performed before surgery with the operative and pathologic findings in 61 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopy or laparotomy for suspected rectosigmoid endometriosis. The accuracy of BE and RWC-TVS in the detection of intestinal stenosis was evaluated comparing the radiologic and ultrasonographic results with the macroscopic findings at surgery and pathology. RWC-TVS diagnosed rectosigmoid endometriosis with the same accuracy of TRS and was equally efficient as BE in the detection of a significant intestinal lumen stenosis. For the diagnosis of rectosigmoid endometriosis the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of TRS and RWC-TVS were 88.2% and 96%, 80%, and 90%, 95.7%, and 98%, and 57.1% and 81.8%, respectively. For the detection of intestinal stenosis the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of BE and RWC-TVS were 93.7% and 87.5%, 94.2% and 91.4%, 88.2% and 82.3%, and 97% and 94.1%, respectively. RWC-TVS is a new, simple technique for a single-step and accurate preoperative assessment of rectosigmoid endometriosis.
机译:为了评估经直肠超声检查(TRS)的准确性和一项新技术,即经直肠水对比的经阴道超声检查(RWC-TVS)在直肠乙状结肠内膜异位症的诊断以及钡灌肠(BE)和RWC-TVS的准确性在检测因子宫内膜异位引起的肠道狭窄。在一项前瞻性研究中,我们将61例因怀疑为直肠乙状结肠内异症而进行了腹腔镜或剖腹术的连续患者的术前TRS和RWC-TVS的发现与手术和病理学发现进行了比较。通过比较放射学和超声检查结果以及手术和病理学上的宏观检查结果,评估了BE和RWC-TVS在检测肠道狭窄方面的准确性。 RWC-TVS以与TRS相同的准确度诊断出直肠乙状结肠内膜异位,在检测明显的肠腔狭窄方面与BE一样有效。对于直肠乙状结肠内异症的诊断,TRS和RWC-TVS的敏感性,特异性,阳性和阴性预测值分别为88.2%和96%,80%和90%,95.7%和98%,57.1%和81.8%,分别。对于肠狭窄的检测,BE和RWC-TVS的敏感性,特异性,阳性和阴性预测值分别为93.7%和87.5%,94.2%和91.4%,88.2%和82.3%,97%和94.1%。 RWC-TVS是一种新的,简单的技术,可用于单步准确的术前评估直肠乙状结肠内异症。



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