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Molecular epidemiology of Theileria equi in horses and their association with possible tick vectors in the state of Rio de Janeiro Brazil




The aim of this study was to detect Theileria equi (Laveran 1901) DNA in horses and ticks using real-time PCR and to list the factors associated with infection in animals located in the Seropedica and Petropolis municipalities of the state of Rio de Janeiro. We tested blood samples from 314 horses and samples from 300 ticks, including 191 Amblyomma cajennense, 104 Dermacentor nitens, and 5 Ixodida larvae. Factors inherent to the horse, the ownership, and animal management were obtained from an epidemiological questionnaire and were evaluated in association with the presence of T. equi DNA in the animals. Among the horses in the study, 81 % (n = 253/314) presented T. equi DNA, and the animals of the Seropedica municipality had the highest infection frequency (91 %, n = 128/141, p < 0.001). The factors that had significantly different infection frequencies by chi-squared or Fisher’s exact tests (p < 0.2) were included in a logistic regression model using the R programming package. Work and walking activity (odds ratio [OR] = 5.7, CI = 2.3–14.4), reproductive activity (OR = 3.8, CI = 1.3–11.5), and tick infestation (OR = 2.6, CI = 1.1–6.2) were factors that favored the presence of T. equi DNA in the animals (p < 0.05). Among the tick samples, A. cajennense and D. nitens were the identified species. The presence of T. equi DNA was observed in 9.9 % (n = 19/191) of the A. cajennense samples and 3.8 % (n = 4/104) of the D. nitens samples. A multivariate analysis revealed that the presence of A. cajennense on the animals (OR = 4.1, CI = 1.8–9.1) was associated with the presence of T. equi DNA in the horses. In the studied municipalities, activities related to work, walking, and reproduction and the presence of ticks on the horses, particularly an intense infestation of A. cajennense, are factors that lead to infection with T. equi in the horses.
机译:这项研究的目的是使用实时PCR检测马和tick中的Theileria equi(Laveran 1901)DNA,并列出与里约热内卢州Seropedica和Petropolis市的动物感染相关的因素。我们测试了314匹马的血样和300个滴答的血样,包括191例Amblyomma cajennense,104例Dermacentor nitens和5个Ixodida幼虫。从流行病学调查表中获得了马固有的因素,所有权和动物管理,并与动物中马鞭毛虫DNA的存在相关联进行了评估。在研究中的马中,有81%(n = 253/314)表现出马链球菌DNA,而Seropedica市的动物感染频率最高(91%,n = 128/141,p <0.001)。使用R程序设计软件包的logistic回归模型包括通过卡方检验或Fisher精确检验得出的感染频率显着不同的因素(p <0.2)。工作和步行活动(比值[OR] = 5.7,CI = 2.3-14.4),生殖活动(OR = 3.8,CI = 1.3-11.5)和tick虫感染(OR = 2.6,CI = 1.1-6.2)是因素有利于动物体内马鞭毛虫DNA的存在(p <0.05)。在the样本中,A。cajennense和 D nitens 是已识别的物种。 T 的存在。在 A 的9.9%( n = 19/191)中观察到 equi DNA。 cajennense 样本和 D 的3.8%( n = 4/104)。 nitens 样本。多元分析显示 A 的存在。动物中的 cajennense (OR = 4.1,CI = 1.8-9.1)与 T 的存在有关。马中的 equi DNA。在所研究的城市中,与工作,步行和繁殖有关的活动以及马the的存在,特别是 A 的侵扰。 cajennense 是导致感染 T 的因素。在马匹中 equi



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