首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Springer Open Choice >From discourse to practice: the circulation of norms ideas and practices of migration management through the implementation of the mobility partnerships in Moldova and Georgia

From discourse to practice: the circulation of norms ideas and practices of migration management through the implementation of the mobility partnerships in Moldova and Georgia




This research wishes to contribute to the understanding of the migration policy regime of the European Union (EU), by considering an analytical perspective that privileges the standpoint of the countries of its neighbourhood. As an entry point, we have focused our analysis on the Mobility Partnership, a policy instrument of soft power, representative of the emblematic network governance privileged by the EU in its current political framework, the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM). Applying an “instrument approach”, our research raises the question of the role played by the Mobility Partnership in the circulation of norms, ideas and practices related to the “good governance” of international migration, and whether these are internalized by the partner third countries. We present the results of a comparative analysis of two study-cases, Moldova and Georgia, countries considered by the European Commission as the “best pupils” in the implementation of their Mobility Partnerships, with the ambition to interrogate whether this instrument leads to a “common understanding” between the EU and the national actors that may lead to a translation of the European objectives in the field of migration into the registries of practices in the countries of the Eastern neighbourhood. Lastly, we will discuss the strategic “usage” of this instrument from the partner third countries, that can lead to different results, from complete absorption of the objectives, to resistance in their implementation.
机译:这项研究希望通过考虑使邻国国家的立场享有特权的分析观点,为理解欧洲联盟(欧盟)的移民政策做出贡献。作为切入点,我们将分析重点放在了软性政策工具Mobility Partnership上,代表了欧盟在其当前的政治框架中享有的象征性网络治理,即全球移民与机动性方法(GAMM)。应用“手段方法”,我们的研究提出了以下问题:流动伙伴关系在与国际移徙“善治”有关的规范,思想和实践的传播中所起的作用,以及这些是否被伙伴第三国内部化。我们提供了两个研究案例的比较分析结果,摩尔多瓦和格鲁吉亚这两个国家被欧盟委员会视为实施其流动性伙伴关系的“最佳学生”,并雄心勃勃地询问该工具是否会导致“欧盟与国家行为者之间的“共同理解”,这可能导致将移民领域中的欧洲目标转化为东部邻国的实践登记册。最后,我们将与合作伙伴第三国讨论该工具的战略“用途”,这可能导致不同的结果,从完全吸收目标到在执行过程中遇到阻力。



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