首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Oxford Open >Presence and Distribution of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Colombia

Presence and Distribution of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Colombia




The presence and distribution of Scirtothrips dorsalis was reported in Colombia in the Andean, Caribbean, and Orinoquia regions, from 0 to 1,200 meters of altitude (MASL) in the warm climate zone, with less than 2,000 mm rainfall per year and a temperature above 24°C, which corresponds to the tropical dry forest life zone (TDF). Larvae and adults of S. dorsalis were found on 13 plant species belonging to 12 genera in 12 families, of 181 plant species sampled from 129 genera in 47 families sampled. The botanical species with S. dorsalis presence included cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) L., mango (Mangifera indica) L., chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens) L., bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) L., orange (Citrus sinensis) L., jasmine orange (Murraya paniculata) L., rose (Rosa sp.), and the weeds Sesbania exaltata (Mill.), Phyllanthus niruri L., Ludwigia hyssopifolia Vahl, Euphorbia hypericifolia L., Echinochloa colona L., and Amaranthus spinosus (L.). S. dorsalis prefers young leaves and floral structures, but in cotton it was also associated with squares. The low number of host plants is evident, far from the extensive lists obtained by other authors in other latitudes. S. dorsalis invaded Colombia only in recent years, and this is the first study of the presence and distribution of this thrips in the area.
机译:据报道,哥伦比亚的安第斯山脉,加勒比海地区和奥里诺基亚地区存在背硬鞘藻,分布范围从0到1,200米(MASL),在温暖的气候区,每年降雨量少于2,000 mm,温度高于24 °C,对应于热带干旱森林生活区(TDF)。在12个科的12属的13种植物中发现了S. dorsalis的幼虫和成年,在47个科的129属中采样了181种植物。背侧葡萄球菌存在的植物种类包括棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)L.,芒果(Mangifera indica)L.,辣椒(Capsicum frutescens)L.,甜椒(Capsicum annuum)L.,橙色(Citrus sinensis)L. ,茉莉橙(Murraya paniculata)L.,玫瑰(Rosa sp。)和杂草Sesbania exaltata(Mill。),Phyllanthus niruri L.,Ludwigia hyssopifolia Vahl,Euphorbia hypericifolia L.,Echinochloa Colona L.和Amaranthus spinos L.)。 S。 dorsalis 喜欢幼叶和花的结构,但在棉花中它也与正方形有关。很明显,寄主植物的数量很低,与其他地区其他作者获得的广泛清单相去甚远。 S。 dorsalis 仅在最近几年才入侵哥伦比亚,这是该地区这种蓟马的存在和分布的首次研究。



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