首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Linacre Quarterly >Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical Research Obscures the Value of All Human Life

Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical Research Obscures the Value of All Human Life




This opinion addresses the licitness, quasi-benefits, and consequences of using aborted fetal tissue in vaccines and in medical research. The Catholic Church permits temporary use of vaccines generated using aborted fetal tissue to protect children from preventable diseases until alternative vaccines that do not use aborted fetal tissue are available. In medical research, cell lines that were generated from elective abortions should be avoided and alternative cell lines of licit origin utilized. The association between in utero Zika virus infections and microcephaly has increased the demand for fetal tissue to establish causality and to understand disease progression. These studies require extensive oversight as they could directly encourage elective abortions. The consequence of the use of fetal tissue from elective abortions is desensitization of beneficiaries to the original illicit act of abortion thereby obscuring the value of all human life and potentially leading to scandal. >Summary: The use of fetal tissue from elective abortions is commonplace in the pharmaceutical industry and in medical research. This opinion addresses the licitness, quasi-benefits, and consequences of using fetal tissue from elective abortions in vaccines and in medical research. All people of good conscience have the responsibility to voice opposition to the use of fetal tissue from elective abortions in order to promote development of alternatives, affirm the value of all human life and limit scandal.
机译:该意见涉及在疫苗和医学研究中使用流产的胎儿组织的合法性,准收益和后果。天主教会允许暂时使用由流产的胎儿组织产生的疫苗,以保护儿童免受可预防的疾病,直到可获得不使用流产的胎儿组织的替代疫苗。在医学研究中,应避免选择流产产生的细胞系,并使用合法来源的替代细胞系。子宫内寨卡病毒感染与小头畸形之间的联系增加了对胎儿组织建立因果关系和了解疾病进展的需求。这些研究需要广泛的监督,因为它们可以直接鼓励择期流产。选择性流产使用胎儿组织的后果是受益人对最初的非法流产不敏感,从而掩盖了整个人类生命的价值,并有可能导致丑闻。 >摘要:选择性流产中使用胎儿组织在制药业和医学研究中很普遍。该意见涉及疫苗和医学研究中因选择性流产而使用胎儿组织的合法性,准收益以及后果。所有有良心的人都有责任反对使用选择性流产中的胎儿组织,以促进替代疗法的发展,确认所有人的生命价值并限制丑闻。



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