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Heterologous embryo transfer: Magisterial answers and metaphysical questions




The debate regarding the morality of heterologous embryo transfer (HET) as a solution for the fate of cryopreserved embryos remains active. This paper endeavors to show that the magisterial instructions on bioethical issues can only lead to the conclusion that HET is always morally illicit. I begin by showing that the text of Dignitas personae recognizes HET as a procedure accomplishing a procreative function, and I indicate that it is through gestation that this procreative function occurs. I further show that the previous Instruction, Donum vitae, implicitly points to an ontological or spiritual consideration at play during gestation. This consideration is likely related to the procreative function identified in Dignitas personae. Finally, I place these two textual arguments in the context of the debate concerning HET and conclude that metaphysical questions must be clarified in order for the immorality of HET to be understood from a suitable anthropological perspective and gain more widespread acceptance.
机译:关于将异源胚胎移植(HET)作为冷冻保存的胚胎命运的解决方案的道德问题的争论仍然活跃。本文努力表明,关于生物伦理问题的治安指示只能得出结论,即HET始终在道德上是非法的。首先,我要说明,迪格尼塔斯人的文本将HET识别为一种完成生殖功能的程序,并且我指出这种妊娠功能是通过妊娠而发生的。我进一步证明,先前的指令《 Donum vitae》隐含地指出了妊娠过程中本体论或精神上的考虑。这种考虑可能与迪格尼塔人(Dignitas personae)中确定的生殖功能有关。最后,我将这两个文本论证放在关于HET的辩论中,得出结论,必须澄清形而上学的问题,以便从适当的人类学角度理解HET的不道德性,并获得更广泛的接受。



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