
In Memoriam: Ben Barres




Ben Barres, professor of neurobiology at Stanford University and member of the JCB editorial board for over 15 years, passed away on December 27, 2017, after a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer. Ben left an indelible mark on the scientific community as a scientist, an advocate for equality, and an unbelievably supportive mentor. As a scientist his creative approaches led him to remarkable discoveries about the importance of glial cells in the brain, and his passion elevated these cells from the “other cells in the brain” to a significant place in the consciousness of neurobiology. As an advocate, he fought for equal treatment irrespective of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, or ethnicity, and was an inspiring supporter of junior scientists. As a mentor, he provided a creative and vibrant atmosphere for his trainees to pursue research and the never-ending support for them to flourish as independent scientists. As his former trainees, we would like to give our thoughts on Ben, and the deep impressions that he left on everyone he interacted with.
机译:斯坦福大学神经生物学教授本·巴里斯(Ben Barres)是JCB编辑委员会成员超过15年,在与胰腺癌长期斗争后于2017年12月27日去世。本作为科学家,倡导平等和令人难以置信的支持导师,在科学界留下了不可磨灭的烙印。作为一名科学家,他的创造性方法使他对脑中神经胶质细胞的重要性有了非凡的发现,他的热情使这些细胞从“大脑中的其他细胞”提升到了神经生物学意识的重要位置。作为倡导者,他为男女平等,性别认同,性取向,种族或种族而平等对待,并为初级科学家提供了鼓舞性的支持者。作为导师,他为受训人员提供了充满创造力和生机勃勃的氛围,使他们可以从事研究工作,并为他们成长为独立科学家提供了无休止的支持。作为他的前培训生,我们想对本·本以及他给与之交往的每个人留下的深刻印象发表看法。



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