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Fossils feet and the evolution of human bipedal locomotion




We review the evolution of human bipedal locomotion with a particular emphasis on the evolution of the foot. We begin in the early twentieth century and focus particularly on hypotheses of an ape-like ancestor for humans and human bipedal locomotion put forward by a succession of Gregory, Keith, Morton and Schultz. We give consideration to Morton's (1935) synthesis of foot evolution, in which he argues that the foot of the common ancestor of modern humans and the African apes would be intermediate between the foot of Pan and Hylobates whereas the foot of a hypothetical early hominin would be intermediate between that of a gorilla and a modern human. From this base rooted in comparative anatomy of living primates we trace changing ideas about the evolution of human bipedalism as increasing amounts of postcranial fossil material were discovered. Attention is given to the work of John Napier and John Robinson who were pioneers in the interpretation of Plio-Pleistocene hominin skeletons in the 1960s. This is the period when the wealth of evidence from the southern African australopithecine sites was beginning to be appreciated and Olduvai Gorge was revealing its first evidence for Homo habilis. In more recent years, the discovery of the Laetoli footprint trail, the AL 288-1 (A. afarensis) skeleton, the wealth of postcranial material from Koobi Fora, the Nariokotome Homo ergaster skeleton, Little Foot (Stw 573) from Sterkfontein in South Africa, and more recently tantalizing material assigned to the new and very early taxa Orrorin tugenensis, Ardipithecus ramidus and Sahelanthropus tchadensis has fuelled debate and speculation. The varying interpretations based on this material, together with changing theoretical insights and analytical approaches, is discussed and assessed in the context of new three-dimensional morphometric analyses of australopithecine and Homo foot bones, suggesting that there may have been greater diversity in human bipedalism in the earlier phases of our evolutionary history than previously suspected.
机译:我们回顾了人类双足运动的演变,尤其着重于脚的演变。我们始于20世纪初,特别关注由人类的猿类祖先和人类两足动物运动所提出的假设,这些假设是格雷戈里,基思,莫顿和舒尔茨的继任者提出的。我们考虑到莫顿(1935)对足部进化的综合,他认为现代人类和非洲猿的共同祖先的脚将在Pan和Hylobates的脚之间,而假想的早期人类的脚将在中间。介于大猩猩和现代人类之间。从植根于活灵长类动物的比较解剖学的这一基础出发,我们发现随着人类发现后颅骨化石材料的数量增加,人们对人类两足动物进化的看法也发生了变化。约翰·纳皮尔(John Napier)和约翰·罗宾逊(John Robinson)的工作引起了人们的注意,他们是1960年代上里新世更新世人骨骼的解释先锋。在这段时期内,来自南部非洲南方古猿遗址的大量证据开始受到赞赏,Olduvai Gorge揭示了其关于人类的第一个证据。近年来,人们发现了Laetoli足迹足迹,AL 288-1(A. afarensis)骨骼,Koobi Fora的大量颅后材料,Nariokotome Homo ergaster骨骼,South Sterkfontein的Little Foot(Stw 573)。非洲以及最近分配给新的和非常早的分类群Orrorin tugenensis,Ardipithecus ramidus和Sahelanthropus tchadensis的诱人材料引起了争论和猜测。基于新材料的三维立体形态学分析,对基于该材料的各种解释以及不断变化的理论见解和分析方法进行了讨论和评估,这表明人类双足动物可能存在更大的多样性。我们进化史上的早期阶段比以前怀疑的要早。



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