class='kwd-title'>Keywords: Magnetorheological b'/> Simulation-based estimation of an automotive magnetorheological brake system performance
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Advanced Research >Simulation-based estimation of an automotive magnetorheological brake system performance

Simulation-based estimation of an automotive magnetorheological brake system performance




class="kwd-title">Keywords: Magnetorheological brake, MATLAB Simulink model, Brake performance, Stopping distance class="head no_bottom_margin" id="ab010title">AbstractMagnetorheological (MR) brakes, owing to their quick response, are being investigated as a possible candidate for substitution for the conventional hydraulic brakes of road vehicles. The MR brake system for a two-wheeler application was envisaged in this article. Based on analytical equations, the system was modelled in the MATLAB Simulink environment. The braking performance of the system in terms of the stopping distance was estimated with the help of the model. The output from the model was compared with the Indian Standard (IS) automotive brake standard requirement for two-wheelers. A single-disc MR brake system did not seem to satisfy this requirement. It took six or more MR disc brakes to meet the stopping distance requirement of the IS standard. Moreover, weight and space constraints may not allow these brakes to be used for automotive applications. With the current state of the technology, MR brakes do not fulfil the requirements of an automotive brake system.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:磁流变制动器,MATLAB Simulink模型,制动性能,停止距离 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ ab010title”>摘要由于其快速响应,磁流变(MR)制动器正在研究中,可以替代公路车辆的传统液压制动器。本文设想了用于两轮车应用的MR制动系统。基于解析方程,在MATLAB Simulink环境中对该系统进行了建模。在模型的帮助下,根据制动距离估算了系统的制动性能。将模型的输出与印度标准(IS)对两轮车的汽车制动标准要求进行了比较。单盘MR制动系统似乎无法满足这一要求。为了满足IS标准的制动距离要求,使用了六个或更多的MR盘式制动器。此外,重量和空间限制可能不允许这些制动器用于汽车应用。在当前的技术水平下,MR制动器无法满足汽车制动系统的要求。



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