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  • 刊频: Eighteen no. a year, 2019-
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  • 机译 TMC207:新型有效抗结核药物的第一个化合物
    摘要:Disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis continues as a global epidemic: over 2 billion people harbor latent TB infection, and more than 9 million new TB cases, of whom 500,000 are multidrug-resistant (MDR), and nearly 2 million deaths are estimated to occur each year. New drugs are required to shorten treatment duration of drug-sensitive TB and for the treatment of MDR-TB. TMC207 is a first-in-class diarylquinoline compound with a novel mechanism of action, the inhibition of bacterial ATP synthase, and potent activity against drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB. It has bactericidal and sterilizing activity against M. tuberculosis and other mycobacterial species, but little activity against other bacteria. In a Phase II efficacy study conducted in patients with MDR-TB taking TMC207 plus a standard background regimen, the drug appeared to be safe and well tolerated, and showed significant efficacy after 2 months of treatment with conversion rates of sputum culture of 48% (vs 9% in the placebo group). Given the product development partnership between Tibotec and the TB Alliance, the strategies of using TMC207 in shorter first-line regimens or using it in second-line regimens for drug-resistant M. tuberculosis infections are both being pursued. No clinical data of TMC207 in TB patients with HIV coinfection have been published; drug–drug interaction studies with antiretrovirals are being conducted. Finally, the remarkable sterilizing capacity of TMC207 also makes it an attractive drug in the strategy of TB elimination. Current and future studies will determine the role of TMC207 in a shortened treatment regimen for drug-sensitive TB, a more effective and better-tolerated regimen for MDR-TB, the treatment of latent TB infection, and intermittent-TB treatment regimens.
  • 机译 表皮葡萄球菌生物膜形成的最新概念
    摘要:Staphylococcus epidermidis is a highly significant nosocomial pathogen mediating infections primarily associated with indwelling biomaterials (e.g., catheters and prostheses). In contrast to Staphylococcus aureus, virulence properties associated with S. epidermidis are few and biofilm formation is the defining virulence factor associated with disease, as demonstrated by animal models of biomaterial-related infections. However, other virulence factors, such as phenol-soluble modulins and poly-γ-DL-glutamic acid, have been recently recognized that thwart innate immune system mechanisms. Formation of S. epidermidis biofilm is typically considered a four-step process consisting of adherence, accumulation, maturation and dispersal. This article will discuss recent advances in the study of these four steps, including accumulation, which can be either polysaccharide or protein mediated. It is hypothesized that studies focused on understanding the biological function of each step in staphylococcal biofilm formation will yield new treatment modalities to treat these recalcitrant infections.
  • 机译 隐球菌变种和物种表型性状的变异性及其对发病机理的影响
    摘要:Variability of phenotypic characteristics in Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and var. neoformans as well as Cryptococcus gattii can have diverse effects on the virulence of these fungi and are thus important for pathogenesis. This article summarizes the diverse phenotypic changes that these fungi can manifest. We divide changes into those that affect the entire fungal population and are predominantly induced by environmental signals, and those that involve subpopulations of the fungal population and have to be selected. Last, the article summarizes the experimental evidence that epitopes on the polysaccharide capsule also vary, which may have implications for the pathogenesis as these findings would further diversify the fungal population.
  • 机译 A组链球菌感染的组织嗜性
    摘要:Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is a human-specific pathogen that is highly prevalent throughout the world. The vast majority of GAS infections lead to a mild disease involving the epithelial surfaces of either the throat or skin. The concept of distinct sets of ‘throat’ and ‘skin’ strains of GAS has long been conceived. From an ecological standpoint, the epithelium of the throat and skin are important because it is where the organism is most successful in reproducing and transmitting to new hosts. This article examines key features of the epidemiology, population biology and molecular pathogenesis that underlie the tissue site preferences for infection exhibited by GAS, with an emphasis on work from our laboratory on skin tropisms. Recombinational replacement with orthologous gene forms, following interspecies transfer, appears to be an important genetic step leading up to the exploitation of new niches by GAS.
  • 机译 变形链球菌利用的耐酸机制
    摘要:Since its discovery in 1924 by J Clarke, Streptococcus mutans has been the focus of rigorous research efforts due to its involvement in caries initiation and progression. Its ability to ferment a range of dietary carbohydrates can rapidly drop the external environmental pH, thereby making dental plaque inhabitable to many competing species and can ultimately lead to tooth decay. Acid production by this oral pathogen would prove suicidal if not for its remarkable ability to withstand the acid onslaught by utilizing a wide variety of highly evolved acid-tolerance mechanisms. The elucidation of these mechanisms will be discussed, serving as the focus of this review.
  • 机译 δ型肝炎病毒的起源
    摘要:This article addresses some of the questions relating to how hepatitis δ virus (HDV), an agent so far unique in the animal world, might have arisen. HDV was discovered in patients infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV). It generally makes HBV infections more damaging to the liver. It is a subviral satellite agent that depends upon HBV envelope proteins for its assembly and ability to infect new cells. In other aspects of replication, HDV is both independent of and very different from HBV. In addition, the small single-stranded circular RNA genome of HDV, and its mechanism of replication, demonstrate an increasing number of similarities to the viroids – a large family of helper-independent subviral agents that cause pathogenesis in plants.
  • 机译 什么是系统生物学?
  • 机译 宿主-微生物相互作用系统生物学:生命周期转录组学和比较基因组学
    摘要:The use of microarray and comparative genomic technologies for the analysis of host–pathogen interactions has led to a greater understanding of the biological systems involved in infectious disease processes. Transcriptome analysis of intracellular pathogens at single or multiple time points during infection offers insight into the pathogen intracellular lifecycle. Host–pathogen transcriptome analysis in vivo, over time, enables characterization of both the pathogen and the host during the dynamic, multicellular host response. Comparative genomics using hybridization microarray-based comparative whole-genome resequencing or de novo whole-genome sequencing can identify the genetic factors responsible for pathogen evolutionary divergence, emergence, reemergence or the genetic basis for different pathogenic phenotypes. Together, microarray and comparative genomic technologies will continue to advance our understanding of pathogen evolution and assist in combating human infectious disease.
  • 机译 使用高密度蛋白微阵列定义对传染原的体液免疫反应
    摘要:A major component of the adaptive immune response to infection is the generation of protective and long-lasting humoral immunity. Traditional approaches to understanding the host’s humoral immune response are unable to provide an integrated understanding of the antibody repertoire generated in response to infection. By studying multiple antigenic responses in parallel, we can learn more about the breadth and dynamics of the antibody response to infection. Measurement of antibody production following vaccination is also a gauge for efficacy, as generation of antibodies can protect from future infections and limit disease. Protein microarrays are well suited to identify, quantify and compare individual antigenic responses following exposure to infectious agents. This technology can be applied to the development of improved serodiagnostic tests, discovery of subunit vaccine antigen candidates, epidemiologic research and vaccine development, as well as providing novel insights into infectious disease and the immune system. In this review, we will discuss the use of protein microarrays as a powerful tool to define the humoral immune response to bacteria and viruses.
  • 机译 研究病毒和宿主之间蛋白质相互作用的全球方法
    摘要:While high-throughput protein–protein interaction screens were first published approximately 10 years ago, systematic attempts to map interactions among viruses and hosts started only a few years ago. HIV–human interactions dominate host–pathogen interaction databases (with approximately 2000 interactions) despite the fact that probably none of these interactions have been identified in systematic interaction screens. Recently, combinations of protein interaction data with RNAi and other functional genomics data allowed researchers to model more complex interaction networks. The rapid progress in this area promises a flood of new data in the near future, with clinical applications as soon as structural and functional genomics catches up with next-generation sequencing of human variation and structure-based drug design.
  • 机译 对肺囊虫免疫学的最新了解
    摘要:Pneumocystis jirovecii is the opportunistic fungal organism that causes Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in humans. Similar to other opportunistic pathogens, Pneumocystis causes disease in individuals who are immunocompromised, particularly those infected with HIV. PCP remains the most common opportunistic infection in patients with AIDS. Incidence has decreased greatly with the advent of HAART. However, an increase in the non-HIV immunocompromised population, noncompliance with current treatments, emergence of drug-resistant strains and rise in HIV+ cases in developing countries makes Pneumocystis a pathogen of continued interest and a public health threat. A great deal of research interest has addressed therapeutic interventions to boost waning immunity in the host to prevent or treat PCP. This article focuses on research conducted during the previous 5 years regarding the host immune response to Pneumocystis, including innate, cell-mediated and humoral immunity, and associated immunotherapies tested against PCP.
  • 机译 单纯疱疹病毒的粘膜治疗:靶向免疫预防和治疗的见解
    摘要:Herpes simplex virus (HSV) serotypes 1 and 2 establish lifelong infections that can produce reactivated pools of virus at mucosal sites where primary infections were initiated. No approved vaccines are available. To break the transmission cycle, interventions must either prevent infection or reduce infectivity at mucosal sites. This article discusses the recent experimental successes of immunoprophylactic and therapeutic compounds that enhance resistance and/or reduce viral loads at genital and ocular mucosa. Current data indicate Toll-like receptor agonists and selected immunomodulating compounds effectively increase the HSV infection threshold and hold promise for genital prophylaxis. Similarly, immunization at genital and extragenital mucosal sites is discussed. Finally, preclinical success with novel immunotherapies for ocular HSV that address herpetic keratitis and corneal blindness is reviewed.
  • 机译 流感病毒的先天免疫逃避策略
    摘要:Influenza viruses are globally important human respiratory pathogens. These viruses cause seasonal epidemics and occasional worldwide pandemics, both of which can vary significantly in disease severity. The virulence of a particular influenza virus strain is partly determined by its success in circumventing the host immune response. This article briefly reviews the innate mechanisms that host cells have evolved to resist virus infection, and outlines the plethora of strategies that influenza viruses have developed in order to counteract such powerful defences. The molecular details of this virus–host interplay are summarized, and the ways in which research in this area is being applied to the rational design of protective vaccines and novel antivirals are discussed.
  • 机译 人乳头瘤病毒:基因表达,调控和新型诊断方法和抗病毒治疗的前景。
    • 作者:SV Graham
    • 刊名:Future Microbiology
    • 2010年第10期
  • 机译 化脓性链球菌蛋白质组:图谱,毒力因子和候选疫苗
    摘要:Streptococcus pyogenes is an important cause of human morbidity and mortality worldwide. A wealth of genomic information related to this pathogen has facilitated exploration of the proteome, particularly in response to environmental conditions thought to mimic various aspects of pathogenesis. Proteomic approaches are also used to identify immunoreactive proteins for vaccine development and to identify proteins that may induce autoimmunity. These studies have revealed new mechanisms involved in regulating the S. pyogenes proteome, which has opened up new avenues in the study of S. pyogenes pathogenesis. This article describes the methods used, and progress being made towards characterizing the S. pyogenes proteome, including studies seeking to identify potential vaccine candidates.
  • 机译 卡波西氏肉瘤相关疱疹病毒的免疫逃逸
    摘要:Persistent viral infections are often associated with serious diseases, primarily by altering functions of the host immune system. The hallmark of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) infection is the establishment of a life-long persistent infection, which leads to several clinical, epidemiological and infectious diseases, such as Kaposi’s sarcoma, a plasmablastic variant of multicentric Castleman’s disease, and primary effusion lymphoma. To sustain an efficient life-long persistency, KSHV dedicates a large portion of its genome to encoding immunomodulatory proteins that antagonize the immune system of its host. In this article, we highlight the strategies KSHV uses to evade, escape and survive its battle against the host’s immune system.
  • 机译 衣原体中的抗生素耐药性
    摘要:There are few documented reports of antibiotic resistance in Chlamydia and no examples of natural and stable antibiotic resistance in strains collected from humans. While there are several reports of clinical isolates exhibiting resistance to antibiotics, these strains either lost their resistance phenotype in vitro, or lost viability altogether. Differences in procedures for chlamydial culture in the laboratory, low recovery rates of clinical isolates and the unknown significance of heterotypic resistance observed in culture may interfere with the recognition and interpretation of antibiotic resistance. Although antibiotic resistance has not emerged in chlamydiae pathogenic to humans, several lines of evidence suggest they are capable of expressing significant resistant phenotypes. The adept ability of chlamydiae to evolve to antibiotic resistance in vitro is demonstrated by contemporary examples of mutagenesis, recombination and genetic transformation. The isolation of tetracycline-resistant Chlamydia suis strains from pigs also emphasizes their adaptive ability to acquire antibiotic resistance genes when exposed to significant selective pressure.
  • 机译 B型柯萨奇病毒及其与先天和适应性免疫系统的相互作用
    摘要:Coxsackieviruses are important human pathogens, and their interactions with the innate and adaptive immune systems are of particular interest. Many viruses evade some aspects of the innate response, but coxsackieviruses go a step further by actively inducing, and then exploiting, some features of the host cell response. Furthermore, while most viruses encode proteins that hinder the effector functions of adaptive immunity, coxsackieviruses and their cousins demonstrate a unique capacity to almost completely evade the attention of naive CD8+ T cells. In this article, we discuss the above phenomena, describe the current status of research in the field, and present several testable hypotheses regarding possible links between virus infection, innate immune sensing and disease.
  • 机译 钩端螺旋体作为一种新兴病原体:其生物学,发病机制和宿主免疫反应的综述
    摘要:Leptospirosis, the most widespread zoonosis in the world, is an emerging public health problem, particularly in large urban centers of developing countries. Several pathogenic species of the genus Leptospira can cause a wide range of clinical manifestations, from a mild, flu-like illness to a severe disease form characterized by multiorgan system complications leading to death. However, the mechanisms of pathogenesis of Leptospira are largely unknown. This article will address the animal models of acute and chronic leptospire infections, and the recent developments in the genetic manipulation of the bacteria, which facilitate the identification of virulence factors involved in pathogenesis and the assessment of their potential values in the control and prevention of leptospirosis.


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