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The Development of Prosocial Attention Across Two Cultures




Despite the significance of prosocial attention for understanding variability in children’s prosociality little is known about its expression beyond infancy and outside the Western cultural context. In the current study we asked whether children’s sensitivity to others’ needs varies across ages and between a Western and Non-Western cultural group. We carried out a cross-cultural and cross-sectional eye tracking study in Kenya (n = 128) and Germany (n = 83) with children between the ages of 3 to 9 years old. Half the children were presented with videos depicting an instrumental helping situation in which one adult reached for an object while a second adult resolved or did not resolve the need. The second half of children watched perceptually controlled non-social control videos in which objects moved without any adults present. German children looked longer at the videos than Kenyan children who in turn looked longer at the non-social compared to the social videos. At the same time, children in both cultures and across all age groups anticipated the relevant solution to the instrumental problem in the social but not in the non-social control condition. We did not find systematic changes in children’s pupil dilation in response to seeing the problem occur or in response to the resolution of the situation. These findings suggest that children’s anticipation of how others’ needs are best resolved is a cross-cultural phenomenon that persists throughout childhood.
机译:尽管亲社会关注对于理解儿童亲社会的可变性具有重要意义,但对于其在婴儿期以外和西方文化背景之外的表达知之甚少。在当前的研究中,我们询问了儿童对他人需求的敏感性是否随年龄而变,以及西方和非西方文化群体之间是否存在差异。我们在肯尼亚(n = 128)和德国(n = 83)对3至9岁的儿童进行了跨文化和横断面的眼动追踪研究。一半的孩子观看了录像,描述了一种有助益的情况,其中一个成年人伸手拿东西,而另一个成年人解决了或没有解决需求。下半部分的孩子观看了受感官控制的非社交控制视频,其中的物体在没有成人的情况下移动。与社交视频相比,德国儿童看视频的时间要长于肯尼亚儿童,而肯尼亚儿童看非视频的时间更长。同时,两种文化和所有年龄段的儿童都期望在社会而非非社会控制条件下解决工具性问题的相关解决方案。我们没有发现儿童因出现问题或解决情况而出现的瞳孔扩张发生系统性变化。这些发现表明,儿童对如何最好地解决他人需求的期望是一种跨文化现象,这种现象在整个童年时代都持续存在。



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