首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Elsevier Sponsored Documents >The economic impacts of foot and mouth disease – What are they how big are they and where do they occur?

The economic impacts of foot and mouth disease – What are they how big are they and where do they occur?




Although a disease of low mortality, the global impact of foot and mouth disease (FMD) is colossal due to the huge numbers of animals affected. This impact can be separated into two components: (1) direct losses due to reduced production and changes in herd structure; and (2) indirect losses caused by costs of FMD control, poor access to markets and limited use of improved production technologies. This paper estimates that annual impact of FMD in terms of visible production losses and vaccination in endemic regions alone amount to between US$6.5 and 21 billion. In addition, outbreaks in FMD free countries and zones cause losses of >US$1.5 billion a year.FMD impacts are not the same throughout the world: class="simple" style="list-style-type:none">
  • 1.FMD production losses have a big impact on the world's poorest where more people are directly dependent on livestock. FMD reduces herd fertility leading to less efficient herd structures and discourages the use of FMD susceptible, high productivity breeds. Overall the direct losses limit livestock productivity affecting food security.
  • 2.In countries with ongoing control programmes, FMD control and management creates large costs. These control programmes are often difficult to discontinue due to risks of new FMD incursion.
  • 3.The presence, or even threat, of FMD prevents access to lucrative international markets.
  • 4.In FMD free countries outbreaks occur periodically and the costs involved in regaining free status have been enormous.FMD is highly contagious and the actions of one farmer affect the risk of FMD occurring on other holdings; thus sizeable externalities are generated. Control therefore requires coordination within and between countries. These externalities imply that FMD control produces a significant amount of public goods, justifying the need for national and international public investment.Equipping poor countries with the tools needed to control FMD will involve the long term development of state veterinary services that in turn will deliver wider benefits to a nation including the control of other livestock diseases.
  • 机译:尽管这种疾病的死亡率低,但由于受影响的动物数量众多,口蹄疫(FMD)对全球的影响是巨大的。这种影响可以分为两个部分:(1)由于减产和畜群结构变化而造成的直接损失; (2)由口蹄疫控制成本,进入市场的机会薄弱以及改进生产技术的使用有限所造成的间接损失。本文估计,FMD每年在流行地区的可见产量损失和疫苗接种方面的影响在6.5至210亿美元之间。此外,FMD自由国家和地区的爆发每年造成的损失超过15亿美元。FMD在世界范围内的影响并不相同: class =“ simple” style =“ list-style-type:none”> < !-list-behavior =简单的前缀-word = mark-type = none max-label-size = 2->
  • 1.FMD的生产损失对世界上最贫穷的地区,更多的人直接依靠牲畜。 FMD降低了牛群的繁殖力,导致牛群结构的效率降低,不鼓励使用易受FMD感染的高生产率品种。总体而言,直接损失限制了影响粮食安全的牲畜生产力。
  • 2。在实施控制计划的国家,口蹄疫的控制和管理造成了巨大的成本。这些控制程序通常由于新的口蹄疫入侵的风险而难以中止。
  • 3。口蹄疫的存在甚至威胁到进入利润丰厚的国际市场的进入。 。
  • 4。在口蹄疫免费国家/地区会定期爆发疫情,而且获得免费身份的代价也很大。 FMD费用很高具有传染性,一名农民的行为会影响其他农场发生口蹄疫的风险;因此产生了巨大的外部性。因此,控制需要国家内部和国家之间的协调。这些外部性表明,口蹄疫的控制产生了大量的公共产品,证明需要进行国内和国际公共投资。为穷国提供控制口蹄疫所需的工具将涉及国家兽医服务的长期发展,从而反过来将提供更广泛的服务。对一个国家的利益,包括控制其他牲畜疾病。
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