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Human ESC-Derived Dopamine Neurons Show Similar Preclinical Efficacy and Potency to Fetal Neurons when Grafted in a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease




class="head no_bottom_margin" id="sec1title">IntroductionCell replacement therapy in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is based on the premise that transplanted midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons can restore dopaminergic neurotransmission when transplanted to the DA-depleted striatum, providing a functionally efficient substitute for the neurons that are lost in the disease. Clinical trials using cells derived from human fetal ventral mesencephalon (VM) have shown that transplanted DA neurons can functionally reinnervate the denervated striatum, restore DA release, and at least in some PD patients, provide substantial long-term clinical improvement (). However, the use of tissue from aborted human embryos presents several ethical and logistical issues that hamper the effective translation of fetal tissue transplantation as a realistic therapeutic option.In order to move to large-scale clinical applications, a readily available, renewable, and bankable source of cells with the potential to differentiate into fully functional DA neurons after transplantation is an absolute requirement. Among the different stem cell sources available, human pluripotent stem cells, in particular human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), have advanced the furthest (). Using protocols entirely based on extrinsic patterning cues that mimic fetal midbrain development, it is now possible to generate DA neurons with an authentic midbrain phenotype from human pluripotent stem cells that survive transplantation and that can restore motor deficits in animal models of PD ().However, a number of crucial issues need to be addressed in preclinical studies before these cells can be considered for clinical use: it is important to verify that their functional efficacy is robust, reproducible, and stable over significant time periods; that the transplanted cells have the capacity to grow axons and reinnervate the DA-denervated host striatum over distances that are relevant for the size of the human brain; and that they function with equal potency to human fetal VM DA neurons that have previously been used in clinical trials ().Here we have performed a rigorous preclinical assessment of long-term in vivo functionality and axonal outgrowth capacity of hESC-derived midbrain DA neurons, critical for their translation to the clinic. We show long-term survival and functionality using clinically relevant MRI and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging techniques and efficacy in restoration of motor function that is comparable to that seen with human fetal cells. Importantly, we provide a direct comparison of human DA neurons sourced from either hESCs or fetal VM and show that hESC-derived neurons, like their fetal counterparts, can project over long distances in the lesioned adult rodent brain and regenerate axonal projections with cell-type specific innervation of correct target structures. These data represent an important milestone in the preclinical assessment of hESC-derived DA neurons and provide essential support for their usefulness in cell replacement therapy for PD.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ sec1title”>简介帕金森氏病(PD)中的细胞替代疗法基于移植中脑多巴胺的前提(DA)神经元在移植到DA缺失的纹状体后可以恢复多巴胺能神经传递,为功能丧失的疾病神经元提供功能有效的替代品。使用源自人类胎儿腹侧中脑(VM)的细胞进行的临床试验表明,移植的DA神经元可以功能性地使失神经纹状体恢复神经功能,恢复DA的释放,至少在某些PD患者中可以提供长期的显着临床改善()。然而,使用流产的人类胚胎组织存在一些伦理和后勤问题,这些问题阻碍了胎儿组织移植的有效翻译作为现实的治疗选择。为了进入大规模临床应用,现成的,可再生的和可负担的绝对需要能够在移植后分化为全功能DA神经元的细胞来源。在可用的不同干细胞来源中,人类多能干细胞,特别是人类胚胎干细胞(hESCs)发展最远。使用完全基于模拟胎儿中脑发育的外在模式提示的方案,现在有可能从人多能干细胞中产生具有真实中脑表型的DA神经元,这些多能干细胞在移植后存活并可以恢复PD动物模型中的运动缺陷。因此,在将这些细胞考虑用于临床之前,需要在临床前研究中解决许多关键问题:重要的是要验证它们的功能功效在相当长的时期内是否可靠,可再现且稳定;移植的细胞有能力在与人脑大小相关的距离内生长轴突并重新神经化DA去神经的宿主纹状体;并且它们的功能与之前在临床试验中使用过的人类胎儿VM DA神经元具有相同的效力()。在这里,我们对源自hESC的中脑DA神经元的长期体内功能和轴突生长能力进行了严格的临床前评估。 ,对于将其翻译为临床至关重要。我们显示了使用临床相关的MRI和正电子发射断层扫描(PET)成像技术的长期生存和功能,以及恢复运动功能的功效,与人类胎儿细胞相当。重要的是,我们直接比较了源自hESCs或胎儿VM的人类DA神经元,并显示hESC衍生的神经元(如其胎儿对应物)可以在病变成年啮齿动物大脑中长距离投射,并以细胞类型再生轴突投射正确目标结构的特定神经支配。这些数据代表了hESC衍生的DA神经元的临床前评估中的重要里程碑,并为其在PD细胞替代治疗中的有用性提供了必要的支持。



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