首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Elsevier Sponsored Documents >Verbal declarative memory impairments in specific language impairment are related to working memory deficits

Verbal declarative memory impairments in specific language impairment are related to working memory deficits




This study examined verbal declarative memory functioning in SLI and its relationship to working memory. Encoding, recall, and recognition of verbal information was examined in children with SLI who had below average working memory (SLILow WM), children with SLI who had average working memory (SLIAvg. WM) and, a group of non-language impaired children with average working memory (TDAvg. WM). The SLILow WM group was significantly worse than both the SLIAvg. WM and TDAvg. WM groups at encoding verbal information and at retrieving verbal information following a delay. In contrast, the SLIAvg. WM group showed no verbal declarative memory deficits. The study demonstrates that verbal declarative memory deficits in SLI only occur when verbal working memory is impaired. Thus SLI declarative memory is largely intact and deficits are likely to be related to working memory impairments.
机译:这项研究检查了SLI中的言语声明性记忆功能及其与工作记忆的关系。对平均工作记忆低于平均水平的SLI儿童(SLILow WM),平均工作记忆低于SLI的儿童(SLIAvg。WM)以及一组非语言障碍的儿童进行了口语信息的编码,回忆和识别。平均工作记忆(TDAvg。WM)。 SLILow WM组明显比两个SLIAvg都要差。 WM和TDAvg。 WM在对语言信息进行编码以及延迟后检索语言信息时进行分组。相比之下,SLIAvg。 WM组未显示口头声明性记忆缺陷。该研究表明,仅当口头工作记忆受损时,才会发生SLI中的口头声明性记忆缺陷。因此,SLI声明式记忆在很大程度上是完整的,缺陷可能与工作记忆受损有关。



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