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Comparison of different strategies for using fossil calibrations to generate the time prior in Bayesian molecular clock dating




class="kwd-title">Keywords: Bayesian inference, Molecular clock dating, Divergence times, Fossil calibration, Time prior class="head no_bottom_margin" id="ab015title">AbstractFossil calibrations are the utmost source of information for resolving the distances between molecular sequences into estimates of absolute times and absolute rates in molecular clock dating analysis. The quality of calibrations is thus expected to have a major impact on divergence time estimates even if a huge amount of molecular data is available. In Bayesian molecular clock dating, fossil calibration information is incorporated in the analysis through the prior on divergence times (the time prior). Here, we evaluate three strategies for converting fossil calibrations (in the form of minimum- and maximum-age bounds) into the prior on times, which differ according to whether they borrow information from the maximum age of ancestral nodes and minimum age of descendent nodes to form constraints for any given node on the phylogeny. We study a simple example that is analytically tractable, and analyze two real datasets (one of 10 primate species and another of 48 seed plant species) using three Bayesian dating programs: MCMCTree, MrBayes and BEAST2. We examine how different calibration strategies, the birth-death process, and automatic truncation (to enforce the constraint that ancestral nodes are older than descendent nodes) interact to determine the time prior. In general, truncation has a great impact on calibrations so that the effective priors on the calibration node ages after the truncation can be very different from the user-specified calibration densities. The different strategies for generating the effective prior also had considerable impact, leading to very different marginal effective priors. Arbitrary parameters used to implement minimum-bound calibrations were found to have a strong impact upon the prior and posterior of the divergence times. Our results highlight the importance of inspecting the joint time prior used by the dating program before any Bayesian dating analysis.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:贝叶斯推断,分子钟定年​​,发散时间,化石校准,时间在先 class =“ head no_bottom_margin“ id =” ab015title“>摘要化石校准是将分子序列之间的距离解析为分子钟测年分析中绝对时间和绝对速率的估计值的最大信息来源。因此,即使可获得大量的分子数据,预计校准质量也会对发散时间估计值产生重大影响。在贝叶斯分子钟定年​​中,化石校准信息通过发散时间的先验(先验时间)纳入分析。在这里,我们评估了三种将化石标定(以最小年龄和最大年龄范围的形式)转换为先验时间的策略,具体取决于它们是否借用了祖先节点的最大年龄和后代节点的最小年龄的信息对系统发育上的任何给定节点形成约束。我们研究了一个易于分析的简单示例,并使用三个贝叶斯约会程序(MCMCTree,MrBayes和BEAST2)分析了两个真实的数据集(10个灵长类物种之一,另一个48种种子植物物种)。我们检查了不同的校准策略,出生-死亡过程和自动截断(以强制执行祖先节点比后代节点年龄更大的约束)如何确定先验时间。通常,截断对校准有很大的影响,因此截断后对校准节点寿命的有效先验可能与用户指定的校准密度有很大不同。产生有效先验的不同策略也产生了相当大的影响,导致了不同的边际有效先验。发现用于实施最小限度校准的任意参数对发散时间的前后都有很大影响。我们的结果强调了在进行任何贝叶斯约会分析之前检查约会程序使用的联合时间先验的重要性。



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