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PAQR3 Regulates Endoplasmic Reticulum-to-Golgi Trafficking of COPII Vesicle via Interaction with Sec13/Sec31 Coat Proteins

机译:PAQR3通过与Sec13 / Sec31外壳蛋白的相互作用调节COPII囊泡的内质网到高尔基体的运输。



class="head no_bottom_margin" id="sec1title">IntroductionCellular homeostasis relies on the coordinated interactions of proteins and the correct localization of those proteins to specific subcellular compartments. Mapping these network and subcellular proteome associated with a protein is critical for revealing its biological functions. There have been several experimental approaches established to globally define protein interactions and localization. Proximity labeling is one of the most effective approaches that can obtain spatially resolved proteomic maps of specific proteins and compartments within living cells (). Proximity labeling relies on a engineered ascorbate peroxidase (APEX), which is capable of generating free biotinyl radicals to enable a rapid and spatially restricted labeling of proteins in the vicinity of the enzyme (, , ). APEX is a first-generation enzyme with triple mutations, whereas APEX2 is the improved second-generation enzyme with one additional mutation (, , , , ). The irreversible conjugation of biotin catalyzed by APEX2 enables the capture of labeled proteins for proteomic analysis.PAQR3, also named as RKTG for Raf kinase trapping to Golgi, is a Golgi-resident seven-transmembrane protein and plays a key role in maintaining cellular and physiological homeostasis (, ). As a member of the progestin and AdipoQ receptor (PAQR) family, PAQR3 is conserved during evolution (). Previous studies have demonstrated that PAQR3 is a multifunctional protein. PAQR3 suppresses cell growth and tumorigenesis mainly through negative regulation of Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK and PI3K-AKT signaling pathways (, , ). Both human and mouse studies have indicated that PAQR3 is a tumor suppressor that has an inhibitory function in many types of tumors (href="#bib20" rid="bib20" class=" bibr popnode">Jiang et al., 2011, href="#bib26" rid="bib26" class=" bibr popnode">Ling et al., 2014, href="#bib50" rid="bib50" class=" bibr popnode">Wang et al., 2012, href="#bib54" rid="bib54" class=" bibr popnode">Xie et al., 2008, href="#bib59" rid="bib59" class=" bibr popnode">Zhang et al., 2010). PAQR3 can regulate Golgi-to-plasma membrane (PM) transport via the Gβγ–PKD signaling pathway (href="#bib16" rid="bib16" class=" bibr popnode">Hewavitharana and Wedegaertner, 2015). Additionally, PAQR3 can control autophagy on glucose and amino acids starvation by integrating AMPK signaling to improve ATG14L-associated class III PI3K activity and by modulating mTOC1 activity (href="#bib49" rid="bib49" class=" bibr popnode">Wang et al., 2017, href="#bib56" rid="bib56" class=" bibr popnode">Xu et al., 2016). PAQR3 also plays a critical role in DNA damage repair by affecting the function of RAD23B-XPC (href="#bib58" rid="bib58" class=" bibr popnode">You et al., 2017). Moreover, PAQR3 has an important effect on hepatic lipid catabolism by promoting PPARα ubiquitination through the E3 ubiquitin ligase HUWE1 (href="#bib60" rid="bib60" class=" bibr popnode">Zhao et al., 2018).In this study, we applied the proximity labeling strategy to further investigate the interaction networks of PAQR3. We constructed APEX2-fused PAQR3 to label and capture proteins adjacent to PAQR3 in live cells. We then characterized the captured proteins by mass spectrum analysis. A series of detailed analyses led us to discover that PAQR3 can regulate ER-to-Golgi transport through interacting with COPII components Sec13/Sec31A, thereby extending the understanding about the biological functions of PAQR3, a key protein in maintaining cellular homeostasis.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ sec1title”>简介细胞动态平衡依赖于蛋白质的协调相互作用以及这些蛋白质在特定情况下的正确定位亚细胞区室。映射与蛋白质相关的这些网络和亚细胞蛋白质组对于揭示其生物学功能至关重要。已经建立了几种实验方法来全局定义蛋白质相互作用和定位。邻近标记是最有效的方法之一,可以获取特定蛋白和活细胞内区室的空间分辨蛋白质组图。邻近标记依赖于工程化的抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APEX),它能够产生游离的生物素基,从而能够在酶附近(,,)对蛋白质进行快速和空间受限的标记。 APEX是具有三重突变的第一代酶,而APEX2是具有一个附加突变(,,,,)的改进的第二代酶。 APQR2催化的生物素不可逆结合使得能够捕获标记的蛋白质进行蛋白质组学分析.PAQR3也被称为RKTG,用于Raf激酶捕获到高尔基体中,是高尔基体中的七跨膜蛋白,在维持细胞和生理学中起关键作用稳态(,)。作为孕激素和AdipoQ受体(PAQR)家族的成员,PAQR3在进化过程中是保守的()。先前的研究表明PAQR3是一种多功能蛋白。 PAQR3主要通过Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK和PI3K-AKT信号通路的负调控来抑制细胞生长和肿瘤发生(,,)。人类和小鼠研究均表明PAQR3是一种肿瘤抑制因子,在多种类型的肿瘤中均具有抑制功能(href="#bib20" rid="bib20" class=" bibr popnode"> Jiang等,2011年)。 ,href="#bib26" rid="bib26" class=" bibr popnode"> Ling等人,2014 ,href =“#bib50” rid =“ bib50”类=“ bibr popnode”>王等人,2012 ,href="#bib54" rid="bib54" class=" bibr popnode">谢等人,2008 ,href =“#bib59” rid =“ bib59” class =“ bibr popnode”> Zhang等人,2010 )。 PAQR3可以通过Gβγ–PKD信号通路调节高尔基体到质膜(PM)的运输(href="#bib16" rid="bib16" class=" bibr popnode"> Hewavitharana和Wedegaertner,2015 )。另外,PAQR3可以通过整合AMPK信号来改善ATG14L相关的III类PI3K活性并调节mTOC1活性来控制葡萄糖和氨基酸饥饿的自噬(href =“#bib49” rid =“ bib49” class =“ bibr popnode” > Wang等人,2017 ,href="#bib56" rid="bib56" class=" bibr popnode"> Xu等人,2016 )。 PAQR3还通过影响RAD23B-XPC的功能在DNA损伤修复中发挥关键作用(href="#bib58" rid="bib58" class=" bibr popnode"> You et al。,2017 ) 。此外,PAQR3通过通过E3泛素连接酶HUWE1促进PPARα泛素化,对肝脂质分解代谢具有重要作用(href="#bib60" rid="bib60" class=" bibr popnode"> Zhao等人,2018年



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