首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics >Prediction of Pregnancy Rate of In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer in Women Aged 40 and over with Basal Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index

Prediction of Pregnancy Rate of In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer in Women Aged 40 and over with Basal Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index




>Purpose: The purpose was to determine the effect of basaluterine perfusion on the pregnancy rates of in vitro fertilizationand embryo transfer (IVF-ET) in women aged 40 and above.>Methods: A total of 47 patient aged 40 and over underwentIVF-ET. The conception cycles and the nonconception cycleswere compared.>Results: Of the 47 patients, 4 patients were pregnant (8.5%).The mean age, basal follicle stimulating hormone (FSH),basal estradiol (E2) level, antral follicle count (AFC), numberof ampoules of gonadotropin used, E2 levels and endometrial thickness on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) administration, number of retrieved and fertilizedoocytes, and number of transferred embryos were not statisticallysignificant between the conception and nonconceptioncycles. However, the basal uterine artery pulsatility index(UA PI) was significantly lower in the conception cycles(P < 0.001). The receiver operating characteristics (ROC)curve analysis for basal FSH, AFC, and basal UA PI inpredicting the pregnancy rate of IVF in patients aged ≥ 40were demonstrated. The best prediction rate was achievedby a pulsatility index cutoff of < 2.0 for a receptive uterus.>Conclusions: Increased uterine perfusion in the early follicularphase enhanced the pregnancy rate of IVF in womenaged 40 and above. It is therefore essential that patientsaged ≥ 40 with poor basal uterine perfusion should beidentified early in the early follicular phase of the menstrualcycle to apply appropriate intervention to improve the uterinecirculation for the subsequent chance of pregnancy.
机译:>目的:目的是确定40岁及以上女性的子宫灌注对体外受精和胚胎移植(IVF-ET)妊娠率的影响。>方法:共有47位40岁及以上的患者接受了IVF-ET。比较了受孕的周期和未受孕的周期。>结果:在47例患者中,有4例怀孕(8.5%)。平均年龄,基础卵泡刺激素(FSH),基础雌二醇(E2)水平,绒毛膜促性腺激素(aFC),使用的促性腺激素的安瓿数量,施用绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)当天的E2水平和子宫内膜厚度,回收和受精卵细胞的数量以及转移的胚胎数量在受孕和非受孕周期之间没有统计学意义。然而,在受孕周期中,子宫基底动脉搏动指数(UA PI)明显较低(P <0.001)。对基底FSH,AFC和基底UA PI的接收器操作特征(ROC)曲线分析证明了≥40岁患者的IVF妊娠率。接受性子宫的搏动指数截止值<2.0可以达到最佳的预测率。>结论:卵泡早期子宫灌注的增加增加了40岁及40岁以上女性的IVF妊娠率。因此,至关重要的是,应在月经周期的卵泡早期及早识别出≥40岁的基础子宫灌注不良的患者,并采取适当的干预措施,以改善子宫循环,从而增加随后的怀孕机会。



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