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Increased Risk of e-Thrombosis in e-Life Era




With the COVID-19 Pandemic, significant differences continue to emerge in modern life, andnew problems arise as a result of the gross measures taken. The way of learning,communicating and working have changed leading to an almost virtual existence. Socialdistancing was one of the first concepts that was developed, implicating a shade ofsympathy, but after a year of experience, its meaning was transformed to desolate existence.With the shifting pattern of this living, an overt increase was observed in the incidence ofdementia, depression and anxiety.1 Eating patterns including stressful eating, prolonged seated position during work andeducation shall alert us for thrombotic events as Beasley and coworkers have described as“e-thrombosis” for the first time in 2003.2 At that time, they have reported concerns for the increasing use of computers forboth entertainment purposes (computer games, etc.) and sitting inactively for hours mightdramatically increase the epidemiological burden of thrombosis. To support this perspective,they have presented a case of a 32-year-old with acute pulmonary thromboembolism aftersitting in front of a computer consistently for 18 hours.2 The perspective of such immobility may trigger thrombosis is consistent with thetimeless Virchow’s Triad (abnormal blood constituents, abnormal vessel wall, abnormal bloodflow), which Rudolf Virchow has defined in the 19th century.
机译:随着Covid-19大流行,在现代生活中继续出现显着差异,由于采取的总措施,出现了新的问题。学习方式,沟通和工作已经改变导致几乎虚拟存在。社会的疏远是开发的第一个概念之一,暗示了阴影同情,但经过一年的经验,它的意思是转变为荒凉的存在。随着这种生活的转移模式,在发病率下观察到明显的增加痴呆,抑郁和焦虑。1 饮食模式包括压力进食,在工作期间长时间坐着的位置教育应提醒我们血栓形成事件,因为Beasley和同事描述为2003年首次“e-血栓形成”。2 当时,他们报告了越来越多地使用计算机的问题娱乐目的(电脑游戏等)和局势暂时坐在偶然显着提高血栓形成的流行病学负担。支持这种观点,他们介绍了一个32岁的患者患有急性肺血栓栓塞后的案例始终坐在电脑前18个小时。2 这种不动的观点可能触发血栓形成符合的永恒的Virchow的三合会(异常血液成分,血管壁异常,血液异常流量),Rudolf Virchow在19世纪定义。



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