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Finding Dr. Kim: Information Sources of Korean Immigrants’ Search for a Doctor in the U.S.




Korean immigrants in the United States (U.S.) are known for their preference for, and dependence on, co-ethnic doctors due to various barriers to the U.S. healthcare system. Recent immigrants tend to face more barriers than their non-recent counterparts. However, there is little information on how they find their doctors in the U.S. This study includes a self-administrated survey of Korean immigrants aged 18 and above who lived in the New York–New Jersey Metropolitan area in 2013–2014 ( = 440). Descriptive analysis was conducted to understand the most common information sources and the number of sources based on the duration of stay in the U.S. More recent Korean immigrants were female, had no family doctor, uninsured, younger, and more educated than their non-recent counterparts. Regardless of the duration of stay in the U.S., family members and friends were the most frequently sought-after sources for Korean immigrants in their search for doctors. In addition to family members and friends, non-recent Korean immigrants also used other methods (e.g., Korean business directories), whereas recent immigrants used both U.S. and Korean websites. More recent Korean immigrants used multiple sources compared to non-recent Korean immigrants, often combined with a Korean website. Our study suggests policy implications to improve recent immigrants’ accessibility to health information in a timely manner.
机译:由于对美国医疗体系的各种障碍,在美国(美国)的韩国移民因偏爱和依赖族裔医生而闻名。与非最近移民相比,新移民往往面临更多障碍。但是,关于如何在美国找到医生的信息很少。这项研究包括对2013-2014年居住在纽约-新泽西大都会地区的18岁及以上韩国移民的自我管理调查(= 440)。根据在美国的停留时间,进行了描述性分析,以了解最常见的信息来源和来源数量。最近的韩国移民是女性,没有家庭医生,没有保险,年龄和教育程度都高于非近期移民。 。无论在美国停留多长时间,家人和朋友都是韩国移民寻找医生时最常寻找的来源。除了家人和朋友外,最近的韩国移民还使用其他方法(例如,韩国企业名录),而最近的移民同时使用美国和韩国网站。与最近的韩国移民相比,最近的韩国移民使用了多种资源,通常与韩国网站结合使用。我们的研究建议采取政策措施,以改善新移民及时获得健康信息的机会。



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